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Mom warns parents against saying this to their children when they are being teased or bullied

The mother spoke about how her daughter who is eight years old had been bullied all week by a boy at an art camp.

Mom warns parents against saying this to their children when they are being teased or bullied
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity

Kids in their formative years believe whatever their parents say and act accordingly. So, parents need to be careful about what they say to their children; especially when the child is being teased or bullied. That's what a mom did with her 8-year-old daughter. @jfabfindingauthencity shared in a TikTok video that a boy had been teasing her daughter at an art camp. When the child told her grandmother about it, her response shocked the mom and what she did next was commendable.

Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity
Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity

She began the video by saying, “I picked my eight-year-old daughter up from art camp today. She shared with me that there's been a boy at the camp who's been bullying her all week." The mom then narrated what happened between the two kids. "So, she said today that he was painting and he had hand paint all over his hands. When the teacher asked him to go to the bathroom to wash his hands, he walked up to my daughter and rubbed his hands all over her hair. He then gave her the loser sign and stuck his tongue out at her," the woman shared.

Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity
Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity

The mom talked to her daughter about how she felt about it and they worked it out. Then, when the child went to her grandmother's house, she spoke about this incident to her grandma. The mom shared her mother's response. “So my mom says, ‘Do you know why he did that?’ And my daughter says, ‘Why?’ And my mom says with a big smile, ‘Because he likes you,’” the woman recalled.

The content creator immediately cut her mom off. "I said, ‘No! We are not teaching my eight-year-old daughter that when a boy treats you like sh*t, it means that he likes you,’” she revealed. She was upset with her mom for saying that to her child and perpetuating outdated beliefs. The woman emphasized, “She is not learning that garbage. And then I launched into the real reason why kids bully."

Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity
Image Source: TikTok | @jfabfindingauthenticity

She continued, "He feels unseen at home in some capacity, and he's internalized that. He doesn't like himself very much. So he needs to make other people feel bad about themselves so he feels better.” She also said that grown-ups are abusive for the same reason. "They don't like themselves, and they feel entitled to take it out on you. It's not because they like you. In fact, it has nothing to do with you,” the mom concluded.

Image Source: TikTok | @sapphicsapphy
Image Source: TikTok | @sapphicsapphy

The video garnered 250k views on TikTok and was captioned, "Be careful about what nonsense you're conditioning your children to accept." @ginaciocca commented, "Thank you! Everyone needs to be teaching their children that abuse is not affection." @transofrmwithkatielouise wrote, "Truth! This is exactly the true narrative we need to teach our children!" @twighlightsky31 shared, "My mom did the same thing. I was bullied over and over again in the 9th grade till I stood up for myself. If I didn't do that, no one was going to help me." @tammiestarr897 said, "Good for you! Thank you for working hard to break those generational cycles."

You can follow @ifabfindingauthencity on TikTok for more content on being authentic.

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