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Mom shares how she plans to fix generational trauma with her kids: 'This is a safe space'

Generational trauma might have affected this mom and her ancestors, but she is not letting the cycle continue with her children using a unique plan.

Mom shares how she plans to fix generational trauma with her kids: 'This is a safe space'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @rexandmo

Older generations might have carried the burden of generational trauma without understanding the meaning of it, but people are growing more aware of it in recent times. Traumatic experiences, practices and teachings which are transferred from one generation to another contribute to this specific kind of trauma. However, a mom on TikTok is presenting a rather interesting solution for it through her viral video. Mo (@rexandmo) is getting a lot of applause from the community after sharing tips on how she plans to fix generational trauma with her kids.

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Une publication partagée par Morgarita 🍹 (@morgslauren)


She created this video in response to another TikTok creator, asking, 'What unserious generational curses are you breaking." Mo hilariously starts the video by explaining how she plans to remove generational trauma from her family by saying "yes" to her child's requests for not-so-serious needs, activities and treats. Some might argue that she would spoil her child by never denying them anything they demand, but it is way deeper than what it looks on the surface.

Image Source: TikTok | @rexandmo
Image Source: TikTok | @rexandmo

The mom, who continues the video, occasionally singing out her words to make people crack up, tells her audience that it is going to be different in her household. Many of us might remember getting rebuffed by our parents or guardians after asking them to buy us a toy we liked or requesting them to take us on a trip to Disneyland. If one has not grown up in an impoverished household, they will not know that requests like these often exasperate parents and it's all too easy to take their anger and negative emotions out on a kid. But things like these won't happen under the watch of this witty mom.

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Une publication partagée par Morgarita 🍹 (@morgslauren)


"I got McDonald's money. I got Starbucks money, I got Jordan money, I got book fair money, spirit week money, all that, okay?" she says in the video. Whether it is giving her kid $40 as pocket money, taking them out on field trips, or letting them drink juice with dinner instead of milk, she is planning not to deprive her child of anything. "Drink up and if you run out, you can get a refill," she croons. This mom is doing her best to create a "safe space" for her kids so they can be more open with her and not hesitate to ask her for anything in the future.

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Une publication partagée par Morgarita 🍹 (@morgslauren)


Mo also wants to create an environment of equality in her home. "If we are at a barbecue, just know my kids want a ribeye too. No, my kids eat crab legs," she joked. "If my kids ask me why and where I'm going, I'm going to tell them I'm going to the store, you want to come? Get your shoes on! You ain't got to stay home, period." The mom also mentions that she apologizes to her kids when she messes up and is trying to become a "best friend" to her children while maintaining a certain boundary and authority as a parent.

As a parent, Mo wants her kids to feel secure and important in the family. "This is a safe space around here. I got you," she says. Her video, which amassed over 15 million views and counting, mostly received positive responses from fellow parents on the internet. But a few people expressed their concerns about Mo potentially raising her children to be entitled.

@taylor_life16 wrote: "Be very careful with that. Even though the parents are hard-working, this theology is making our kids entitled!" @chambrinee supported Mo and commented: "You did it, girl. You made it to the shade room now show them how to really break generational curses cause everything was valid." We hope Mo's ideas work so she can end generational trauma in her family at least.

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Une publication partagée par Morgarita 🍹 (@morgslauren)


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