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Brother in first class teasing his sister sitting in economy is peak sibling behavior

A brother flaunting his first-class seat and dressing fancier for the plane has left the internet in splits.

Brother in first class teasing his sister sitting in economy is peak sibling behavior
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @bdollhall

Siblings might share loads of love but they never leave an opportunity to ease the other. This fun banter between siblings makes their relationship stronger. In a similar instance, a brother showed the difference between himself and his sister when they traveled on the same plane on first class and economy. The brother and sister were on an hour-long flight to Portland, Oregon when the brother Brandon—who goes by @bdollhall on TikTok—recorded the video.

Image Source: TikTok | @bdollhall
Image Source: TikTok | @bdollhall

As the video began, the brother stated, "I am on the same flight as my sister today as we both go to Oregon. The only difference is I am in first class and she is not." He continued, "I don't want her to feel bad about it but I do want her to recognize the difference." He remarked that he would try to hammer that in. The man showed off his clothes and expressed that he "dressed up a little bit fancier." Although he admitted, "It's a costume because I shouldn't be in the first class." The man revealed that he could get a first-class ticket because his dad had mileage.

"Daddy paid for me this round," the man pointed out. "We didn't know when my sister was planning on flying or if she was going to make the trip, so he just pulled the trigger and bought me the flight. A few days later, she confirmed she was going to make it, so my dad told her to grab a ticket on the same flight so we could land together," Brandon told Newsweek.

Image Source: TikTok | @bdollhall
Image Source: TikTok | @bdollhall

He looked at his sister and started walking towards her before he boldly commented, "I see your dress for coach." The man explained to the outlet, "I found out a few days before the flight that we were on the same flight, so I thought it would be funny to make a big deal out of a very, very small first-class flight. It was an hour and a half on a small plane but that made it so much funnier to me." He also revealed that his sister was a very good sport about all of it.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

He asked his sister, "You know where you're sitting?" The sister said that her seat number is 1A. "Let me see if they can push it back a little bit, it's a little too close [to me] I think," Brandon joked. Right at that moment an announcement came on for "priority group members first class" and "Alaska Golden Hundred Case" to start boarding. The man walked on with a smug expression and said, "See you on the flight." The sister passed by him to go to her economy seat while smiling. He also added a shot of himself relaxing with a cocktail at the end of the video.

Image Source: TikTok | @tameshala
Image Source: TikTok | @tameshala

People took to the comments section to comment on the peak sibling behavior. @reeuhxx wrote, "'I don’t want her to feel bad about it but I do want her to recognize that difference' is such a sibling line." @mitchfromtexas commented, "So nice of you to mingle with the lower class before the flight. Not many get the chance to enjoy air travel so it's nice to put them at ease." @the_brandon_flynn remarked, "Dude when I flew first class, everyone else became peasants. Including everyone else in 1st class...I have no idea what came over me."

@bdollhall Flying first class while my sister flys coach on the same flight. #fyp @Alaska Airlines ♬ original sound - bdollhall


You can follow Brandon (@bdollhall) on TikTok for more funny videos.

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