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Man shares his expensive grocery bill revealing the impact of inflation on cost of living

Man shares how inflation has ruined people's daily lives by increasing the prices of even the most basic amenities.

Man shares his expensive grocery bill revealing the impact of inflation on cost of living
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @fmsmith

Sustenance has become a complex and challenging pursuit in today's world. Inflation has impacted the prices of everything in the world. Inflation reached 3.1% in November 2023, causing an increase in the costs of food, housing, apparel, medical care, recreation, transportation, education, communication and other goods and services, per Nerdwallet. Freddie Smith—who goes by @fmsmith319 on TikTok—took to social media to talk about the devastating effect this has had on people with their daily needs. He revealed that despite having no kids, the grocery bill for his family comes at a whopping $1200 a month. He shared in detail what he buys that rakes up the bill.

Image Source: TikTok/@fmsmith319
Image Source: TikTok | @fmsmith319

Smith created the video in response to the reactions of disbelief he had received after revealing his grocery bill. They called it "outrageous" and judged them for being reckless with the money. He began by sharing what they buy every three days to spend $100. "So, every three days, we'll go shopping for ground beef, ground turkey, and salmon. We pair that for dinner with a vegetable and salad and we also pick up lunch meat," Smith said. "Just in the produce section alone, that's $50 every three days." They prefer to have items like shredded cheese, club soda, eggs, tuna and some pasta in their diet, which brings the bill to $80.

Image Source: TikTok/@fmsmith319
Image Source: TikTok | @fmsmith319

The food scene at their home requires amenities, snacks as well as beverages. Smith goes on to explain, "Then we also need coffee. We'll need tea. We'll need paper plates, aluminum foil, hand soap, and dish soap. On the weekends, we might grab a bottle of wine. We might grab a piece of cake or a snack like popcorn. Or a little beef jerky or frozen pizza." All of this rack up $1,200 every month from their pockets. None of these items are out-of-ordinary and used regularly in conventional households. They are also not going out of their limit and just wish to enjoy a satisfactory breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. Every person should be capable of having hearty meals at those times on the table.

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A post shared by Freddie Smith (@fmsmith319)


It is insane that people have to pay $1200 for these hearty meals. Some people also revealed to Smith that they spend $2500 and above on groceries for a family of five. That is not OK. The obvious suggestion in such cases is to cut corners and curb some desires. But are these suggestions fair for tax-paying citizens? They should be able to expect the government to intervene with the "outrageous" prices.

Image Source: TikTok/@jbatzman38
Image Source: TikTok | @jbatzman38
Image Source: TikTok/@ninerkitty001
Image Source: TikTok | lk

Smith's viral video has garnered over 119K views. The comment section was shocked by this revelation. @ghughpxbyjq backed up the claims made in the video and wrote, "Yep, that's about right and it's just my husband and I alone too, and the irony is that we eat at home mostly to avoid spending money at restaurants!" @selling.seacoast shared their story and commented, "That's almost identical to my husband and I. Just the two of us, and it's hardly anything extra. All 'normal' stuff."

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A post shared by Freddie Smith (@fmsmith319)


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