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Mother of 5-year-old furious after teacher leaves nasty note in boy's lunchbox

A mother in Kingwood, Texas, was stunned when a sweet note she penned for her 5-year-old son was returned with a nasty comment asking her to put him on a diet.

Mother of 5-year-old furious after teacher leaves nasty note in boy's lunchbox

Entrusting their little ones in someone else's care while they're away is always a nerve-wracking experience for parents. With news outlets reporting horrifying stories of child abuse at daycare centers and other educational institutions every day, it now takes a lot for a parent to be comfortable and have enough trust with whom they leave their child with. Even after extensive research and asking around, you can never truly know for sure what kind of people interact with your little one while you are away.


The mother of a 5-year-old from Kingwood, Texas, recently had a very bad experience with the staff at her son's daycare when a note that was supposed to be a sweet reminder of how much she loves him was returned with a nasty message scrawled across it. Francesca Easdon took to Facebook to share the horrifying incident that took place at the Rocking Horse daycare in Kingwood, revealing that the individual responsible for the rude message has since been fired. Posting a snap of the said note, Easdon wrote, "We have been working with Kyler on his eating, he’s extremely picky! I have been introducing new healthy options in his lunchbox and discussed the changes with his school."



She continued, "And for the record, I feel that Kyler is absolutely perfect the way he is, I’m just helping him make healthier choices. Instead of his school being supportive I am in absolute shock at what happened. I sent this note in Kyler's lunchbox, thinking that it would make him smile at lunchtime, but instead, I received this in return from one of the teachers!" The original note Easdon penned for her son reads, "Please tell my son that his mommy loves him so much and that I'm thinking about him." But when she got the lunchbox back, the note had an additional message that said, "No! Put him on a diet and go away!"


"Of course I was absolutely livid and immediately reached out to the school. First thing this morning I was at the school waiting on the director with my mother-in-law for a meeting. I was assured that it was being investigated and handled, yet almost no remorse was shown. I also brought to their attention the fact that on his teacher's public Facebook page there were mass posts regarding drug use and other very inappropriate content. The teacher that wrote this note confessed while I was at work and was fired, but nothing has been done about the other situations. Zero remorse for their actions. I am disgusted that I put my trust in these people to care for my child and this is what I get in return," Easdon added.


Speaking to WABC-TV, the livid mother revealed that she was in shock when she first read the note. "It took a minute to register, what I even saw and I just kept re-reading it and I just stood there for a minute," she said. Easdon has since removed her son from the daycare and has enrolled him in another facility. "I'm worried about the higher cost but I will make it work, no matter what I have to do. Kyler's safety and level of care comes first. Sorry for the long post but I feel it’s so important to share this. I'm extremely hands-on with my child's care and still didn’t see this coming. Monitor your daycares closely and stay away from this facility, they do NOT deserve the privilege of teaching our children," she warned fellow parents.


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