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Woman reveals clever hack that helped her land her dream job: 'Don't wait for the opportunity to come'

A 25-year-old landed a job at her dream company even though they were not hiring. She shares how she managed it.

Woman reveals clever hack that helped her land her dream job: 'Don't wait for the opportunity to come'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @ashleighspili

Most people spend their lives finding the right opportunity to work for their dream jobs. Getting to it is a life-changing moment for several individuals. However, this 25-year-old woman on TikTok got her dream job without even applying for it, at least directly. Ashleigh Spili–who goes by @ashleighspili on TikTok–shared how she managed to achieve this feat. Also, she shared that the process was a life hack to avoid multiple rounds of interviews. In the current scenario, where people have to go through three to four rounds of interviews only to get rejected eventually, Spili's hack can be very useful.

Image Source: TikTok | @ashleighspili
Image Source: TikTok | @ashleighspili

She shared, "I discovered the company I currently work at on Instagram." She added, "I fell in love with the whole ethos, the whole vibe, the founder, I thought she was amazing." It prompted her to look at their website and see if they were hiring, but unfortunately, they were not. She remarked, "I feel like so many of my friends when they get in this situation they think, 'Oh, I'll just keep an eye out for when jobs come up.' No, don't wait! So many companies are considering hiring, but they've got so much on and haven't had time to put the job advert out, but they are actually open to it."

Image Source: TikTok | @ashleighspili
Image Source: TikTok | @ashleighspili

Instead of waiting for a job opening, Spili decided to make one for herself. She revealed, "So I used the 'edit anything' extension on Google Chrome and Canva, and I basically turned their website into my CV... Then I downloaded that as a PDF and then, I sent an email to the founder. Basically, my subject line was my name and then it was dash proposal to hustle." Spili wrote in the email that she knew that the company was not hiring, but she was passionate about the role and loved the ethos of the company and the work they are doing. She gave the founder reasons why she should hire her.

Image Source: TikTok | @exercisewithjames
Image Source: TikTok | @exercisewithjames

"The founder of the company replied to me and she was like, I can make seats at the table for people that have this attitude," Spili told the viewers. The founder invited her to have coffee and chat with her. The founder's response also solidified her belief in the company and her will to work there. She further explained, "I had a coffee with her, the associate director, who is also a total babe, and we literally never did any formal interview process. It had none of that stress, none of that like, round and round and round of competition. No one else was applying, so there was no one I was up against."

Image Source: TikTok | @finelinebykiera
Image Source: TikTok | @finelinebykiera

They clicked instantly and she was offered the job. The woman expressed that the job has changed her life and she loves it a lot. She feels inspired by all the people around her. She concluded, "Don't wait for the opportunity to come because when you do that, you're up against so many more people." She added, "I am gonna shoot my shot. What the hell have I got to lose." In the comments section, @yourcareerandfuture wrote, "Shoot your shot, yes! Absolutely. This is brilliant advice (and a great personal story with it). Keen to share with my students to illustrate my points." @alexlasekuk added, "This is what the creativity can do for you. Well done." 

You can follow Ashleigh Spili (@ashleighspili) on TikTok for more motivational videos. 

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