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Woman highlights unusual gift she was embarrassed to give as a kid but is her top pick as an adult

This woman shared in her video that what students assume to be meager and mundane may be the right pick for their adult educators.

Woman highlights unusual gift she was embarrassed to give as a kid but is her top pick as an adult
Cover Image Source: TikTok|@alwayscandid

Gifting people on a professional basis is hard. Apart from the regular mugs and stationery, it is a task to come up with creative gifts if one doesn’t know the person outside of their professional life. The case is more tedious for students when it comes to gifting their teachers. Having no idea what their professors are like outside the teaching realm, students have no choice but to take a chance or simply go with the basic gift ideas. A woman (@alwayscandid) on TikTok shared that certain gifts that students are too embarrassed to give may be useful for teachers.

Image Source: TikTok|@alwayscandid
Image Source: TikTok|@alwayscandid

She shared in her video that what students assume to be meager and mundane may be the right pick for their adult educators. “There was one thing my mom was right about but when I was a kid, I thought she was crazy,” the woman pointed out. She then shared that as a student, she would opt to give her teacher a gift during Christmas or to mark the end of the academic year and so on. “My mom would get dish towels,” the woman revealed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride. “I remember being mortified because all my friends were giving mugs, lotions and things that I thought were so nice,” she added. “Nobody wants a dish towel, that’s so stupid,” the woman exclaimed.

Image Source: TikTok|@alwayscandid
Image Source: TikTok|@alwayscandid

However, things changed as the woman grew up. She mentioned that being an adult woman made her appreciate the “stupid, boring dish towels.” “I would love for someone to give me dish towels for Christmas or my birthday or something. I always give my female friends dish towels as gifts,” she said. She pointed out that she needs no reason to gift what is now a rather helpful and productive item she is in dire need of. “I’m not talking about the pretty little thin towels,” the woman said, eliminating the need for the towels to be good-looking and delicate.

“I’m talking about the pretty thick, absorbent, sturdy type of towels because nobody likes to buy that,” she remarked. “My mom was right about this,” she concluded. While the choice may seem hysterical and peculiar, it is quite an important requirement in any household and undoubtedly passes off as one of the most useful gifts. Several adults and teachers commented on how they felt about the gift. @missmelanie_c said, “I’m a teacher. I’ve received dozens and dozens of mugs over the years and I have no room or need for them but that one dish towel I received years ago, I adore it!”

Image Source: TikTok|@brilin
Image Source: TikTok|@brilin
Image Source: TikTok|@karanamiii
Image Source: TikTok|@karanamiii

@thriftygfinds2024 said, “I’m a teacher and dish towels are great gifts. You always need them and they always wear out so they’re highly functional.” @mrsburton added, “I have a tea towel I was gifted by a student 3 years ago and it’s still the main towel on my stove top and I get sad when I have to wash it.” @stephhrs14 said, “I asked my teacher's daughter: ‘Lotion, mugs or dish towel?’ She picked a dish towel, no questions asked.”

You can follow @alwayscandid on TikTok for more witty and realistic content on lifestyle.

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