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People share their academic blunders to console student who submitted a hilariously titled paper

'17.2/20 not mad at it and the TA appreciated my fantastic final name,' the student says in her video. 

People share their academic blunders to console student who submitted a hilariously titled paper
Cover Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science

Remember when we used to name our document random things until it was time to submit it? Yeah, what were we thinking? It could be named anything "final_final" (several times) or it might be a funny name that we relate the document with. But have you imagined what would happen if you submitted the file with the same ridiculous name? That's what happened with TikTok user @sauti_science

Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science
Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science

The video begins with an overlay text and audio that states: "Guess who forgot to change the title of her archaeology paper before handing it in." In the clip, Sauti Reese can be seen with her head down. Then it shows the document name with which she submitted her archaeology assignment. It reads, "Download paper on ANCIENT ALIENS haha jk no but could you imagine.pdf." 

Sauti's video went viral with about 2.7 million views and 397k likes. The video is captioned, "Pain and suffering on planet Earth." Many in the comments section could completely relate to Sauti. @rachel_aloy commented, "I submitted a media assignment as 'bad horror movie moments that make me want to sell propane to a foreign government.'" @finleykin wrote, "The time I submitted a paper titled 'Martin Luther really pops off' then added a comment to the submission once I realized that said 'please ignore.'"

@christianarticulates shared, "I once turned in a paper titled 'The man who ate liberty for breakfast' for a course on medieval Scotland, gotta laugh or you'll cry." @whatcatsreading said, "My graduate thesis title was 'Thanks, it has pockets!' I get this.'" @thetuxtok expressed, "The final draft of my Master's thesis was called final final 12 final draft revision 2 the last one." @angela_waynesworkshop commented, "My thesis was named 'I wish a was a squirrel in summer' because I was just so done with it."

Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science
Image Source: TikTok/@sauti_science

Sauti eventually shared an update video revealing the response she got from the TA for the paper. The comment read, "Also the final name of your essay is hilarious! Well done." The woman says in the video: "I'm not mad at it. It is TA-approved. So that is the update that everybody has been asking for. 17.2/20 not mad at it and the TA appreciated my fantastic final name."

Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science
Image Source: TikTok/ @sauti_science

Assignments obviously take a lot of time and hard work from students. But not always. A school in Utah gave their students a special assignment. The school website said, "Students just wrapped up a unit on if bugs are a good source of protein or not which culminated in an extra exciting day where students could even try out a bug if they wanted to. Middle-schoolers loved the ‘ewww’ factor (and) many of them gave bugs a try (and even a few staff members!).”

Some parents had objections as well. Amanda Wright, whose daughter Saige attends Spring Canyon Middle School in Springville, felt their kids were being indoctrinated into a 'dark climate change religion' by assigning the essay mentioned above, reported TODAY.

A spokesperson for the school stated that students “really loved” the assignment. "It was a fun way to engage students in writing an argumentative essay, which is a core standard in language arts," added the spokesperson. 

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