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Pokémon fan stumbles upon a card he hid 20 years ago—he never expected it to be worth this much

While cleaning his garage, a man stumbled upon a long-lost childhood treasure, taking him on a nostalgic journey back to his favorite animated show.

Pokémon fan stumbles upon a card he hid 20 years ago—he never expected it to be worth this much
A person holding Pokemon trading cards. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Erik Mclean)

People often indulge in collecting precious art pieces, no-longer-in-use vintage currencies, and even the silliest yet nostalgic cards from their childhood. These HOLO cards not only represent the precious memories of their favorite cartoons but also hold significant value in the real world. A man recently made an incredible discovery while cleaning his garage, taking him down memory lane to his beloved animated show, "Pokémon." The resident of Houston, Texas, Jamelle—who goes by u/Radiantgreninja on Reddit—shared how he came across a precious "Pokémon" card, which, as per Newsweek, could be worth around $8,000 today. In the post, Jamelle humorously poked fun at himself for keeping things so safely stored that they became inaccessible.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tima Miroschnichenko
A man holding a mopping pad. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroschnichenko

It began when 37-year-old Jamelle found his long-forgotten “Charizard” card as part of his precious "Pokémon" collection. While decluttering his house in Houston, he came across a special card placed randomly like a booster pack. He was shocked to see that even after two decades, the collectible remained intact without any scratches. Calling himself an “idiot child” who “stashed this (the card) away inside a book,” the collector wrote, “I found it 20 years later. This thing is in pristine condition. I’m shocked.”

Turned-on Iphone displaying Pokemon Go Charizard application. (Reprsentative Image Source: Pexels | Anton)
Turned on the iPhone displaying the Pokemon Go Charizard application. (Reprsentative Image Source: Pexels | Anton)

Jamelle also shared a picture of the card, a similar-looking copy of which was being sold on eBay at a much cheaper price. It showed that the “Charizard” collectible was finely laminated, protecting it from any potential damage. But the card was more important to him than just its value. “For collectors my age, it's nostalgic for a simpler time in our childhood. A lot of collectors my age also have small children, and they want to pass down the same joy and excitement they felt as children,” he later told the outlet.

“There's a certain feeling that comes with hunting down your favorite card or finding it randomly in a booster pack,” Jamelle said. The collector emphasized how his habit of reading helped him reconnect with an important missing piece from his childhood. “I was cleaning out the garage and was looking through some old stuff from my childhood. I was an avid reader as a child and kept all of my books and journals in a giant plastic tote. I cracked open my old hardcover journal from junior high to reread some entries, expecting some cringe, but was surprised when a card tumbled out,” he recalled.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Background-Respect91
Image Source: Reddit | u/Background-Respect91
Image Source: Reddit | u/LegendaryLycanthrope
Image Source: Reddit | u/LegendaryLycanthrope

Jamelle acknowledged that although he was a devoted "Pokémon" collector, he was a beginner when it came to really pricey cards. “I've never stumbled upon something with that much value in my collection,” he added. Notably, the power card’s market value would be determined by grading it professionally, reported the outlet.

Meanwhile, his post garnered 68,000 upvotes. Among the countless reactions, u/Optimal_Mango_5806 quipped, “Smart child, you mean. Best thing you did for yourself there.” u/Serifel90 remembered, “I had all first edition base sets, multiple copies of some cards too. Lost them all in a flood many years ago."

“Unironically, [it is] probably one of the best possible places to store a card. Humidity controlled, flat, and safe from damage. Good job, little you,” praised u/Ok_Awareness3860.

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