One man in the gym was left open-mouthed in disbelief as the woman lifted the heavy-weight plates in front of his eyes.
A woman usually has to work harder than most men to achieve the physique she desires. Moreover, women don’t have the testosterone levels required to build muscle mass, unlike men, according to a personal trainer based in the UK, per Fitness at Home. They need to eat a lot of calories and do a lot of training to sculpt their muscles. Realizing this, many women just give up, or at most, they go for basic exercises like cardio, yoga, Pilates, or Zumba. Weight-lifting is seldom practiced, if ever. But one fitness influencer is defying all odds and turning heads by lifting weights that often leave her 'gym bros' goggle-eyed.
In one video, Alice Elizabeth, who goes by @ecila_x on TikTok, shared how she left men in her gym at a loss for words as she did a crazy deadlift that they believed she could never do. Elizabeth is not just a fitness freak but a power-packed influencer who inspires others to be fit while endorsing a gymming brand called “Hard Body.” In a June 2022 video, however, she displayed her unwavering determination by lifting a hefty 160 kilograms (350.7 pounds) in a crazy deadlift. “These guys didn’t believe I could lift the same as them,” she described in the video’s overlay text. The footage showed two men standing in front of a deadlift with four powerlifting plates dangling on each side. One guy was sitting cross-legged on the floor.
As Elizabeth approached the deadlift, they looked at her with dubious expressions. Some of them were giggling. In another moment, she bent down and shocked the onlookers by lifting the bulky weight. "I repped it," she wrote in the overlay. The man sitting on the floor gaped in disbelief, his jaw agape. As Elizabeth did some more sets of the lift, he raised his eyebrows and his mouth was still opening wide in disbelief. "No belt, no straps, no warm up, just the audacity," she wrote in the caption, providing a perfect clapback to gender and fitness stereotypes. Her video has already amassed nearly 48 million views.
The comment section invited verbal cheers and hoots from her fellow fitness enthusiasts. “And this is why we go to the gym, girls! Hell yeah,” exclaimed @gracie_collis. @koriineko said, “This is why you never tell a woman what she can’t do. She will show you just how much she can.” @user_19 reflected, “This is how you know it has nothing to do with size and is all about technique and your breathing. You go, girl!”
Several people called out the hilarious guy on the floor who was left stunned by Elizabeth’s deadlift, with laughter emojis. “Too stunned to speak,” commented @dianaconforti. @saanchi.chetal quipped, "That one guy was in awe." @corvidhollow wrote, "Harry Potter looks like you just showed him real magic!" The video even received comments from some top-spot brands, including the gym clothing brand @GymShark, the wellness app @Breathwrk and the fashion doll company @Barbie.
@ecila_x No belt, no straps, no warm up, just the audacity #gymhumor #girlpower #lifting #strongwomen ♬ gangstas paradise - favsoundds
You can follow Alice Elizabeth (@ecila_x) on TikTok for more fitness and motivational content.