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Excited dad-to-be asks parents to share favorite parts of having kids and the responses are gold

'My first baby is joining us in the next 3 weeks and I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and grateful,' Fanaroff tweeted.

Excited dad-to-be asks parents to share favorite parts of having kids and the responses are gold
Cover Image Source: (L)Getty Images/Flavia Morlachetti (Representative), (R)Twitter/@HarrisFanaroff

Editor's note: This article was originally published on March 17, 2023. It has since been updated.

Being a first-time parent can seem like a nightmare with people constantly telling you that you can kiss goodbye to your social life and sleep once the baby arrives. Such was the case with this dad who turned to the internet for a different perspective on parenting three weeks before his child was due to be born. Harris Fanaroff decided to ask people on Twitter their favorite parts of having a child and the responses were heart-warming.


Fanaroff wrote: "I'm tired of hearing the... 'You'll never sleep again,' 'Your travel life is over,' 'Say goodbye to your weekends.' My first baby is joining us in the next 3 weeks and I'm excited, nervous, anxious and grateful. I'd love to hear your favorite parts of having a newborn/baby/kids."

Many parents shared their own experiences with Fanaroff. @kalilashanti commented, "@HarrisFanaroff you will be more proud than you have ever been, and your heart will be heavy with the burden (because of the crazy world) but full of hope because your child will know your love. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I have three boys and they are my joy."

@mkhammer shared, "Babies are magic. Just had my 4th, and it will never cease to amaze me how much you can love hanging out [with] a person you just laid eyes on and who also cannot talk. Nothing better than a baby snoozing on your chest. You have many moments of wonder [and] sleepy smiles ahead of you!"


@Vincenzolandino wrote, "Our baby girl hit 11 months today. It's amazing. Seeing her face in awe every time she experiences something new. Seeing how she picks up on little quirks from me and my wife already. It's all so awesome. Just enjoy the ride. Do what works for you." @asmartbear commented, "Some good answers here. The bottom line is the good stuff outweighs the negatives 100:1. Holding that little life, watching them figure out the entire world, the giggles and little hands on your face, seeing you in them, for good or Ill they’ll have to figure out themselves."




@woonomic shared, "We are 9 months into our world trip with our baby, I sleep 7-8 hours per night when previously it was closer to 5 or 6. You get what you prioritize. Having a baby is deeply fulfilling, every day your system gets a mega dose of deep love."

Fanaroff's post gained more than 1.4 million views and 5320 likes. Thanks to these parents, he will be ready to welcome his little bundle of joy with a positive outlook on parenting.






Talking about parenthood and the rollercoaster ride that it is, in another story, a dad named Keraun Harris—who goes by @kingkeraun on TikTok—documented his day out at the mall with his toddler son while providing a hilarious voiceover for the little boy. In the clip, he can first be seen carrying the young one in his arms as he narrates, "My dad took me to the mall so that I could be stimulated because he says I'm a Covid baby and I need to see the world." 

Later, the kid tries to get into a water fountain. "I found a water fountain and I had an idea I should go for a swim but he stopped me," Harris voices his son's inner monologue. After this, the little boy is seen enjoying a pizza for lunch at the food court. "Did I tell you I love pizza?" narrates Harris, before his son throws the pizza slice away and goes over to the next table to grab another person's drink. "So my dad thought 'Oh God it's time to go' so I act like I forgot to walk on my way home," says Harris in the voiceover. As the video concludes, the child is seen dragging on the floor as he refuses to walk.


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