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Woman refusing to let pregnant woman use her extra seat since she paid for it sparks debate

A woman who had booked her flights four months ahead of her vacation was reluctant to give her paid seat to a pregnant woman on a flight and a lengthy drama commenced.

Woman refusing to let pregnant woman use her extra seat since she paid for it sparks debate
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pew Ngyuen; Reddit | u/QueenPekPek,

It's basic human courtesy to accommodate the needs of fellow travelers such as women who are pregnant, and even airlines offer them support in the form of priority boarding or other perks to make their flight comfortable. But a lot of people don't see it as their responsibility to make way for pregnant women, insisting that the onus is on airlines. This was the approach that woman took according to a Reddit post on her account u/QueenPekPek. She decided not to play a good samaritan, refusing to give up the seats and revealed her reason for doing so.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Adrienn
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Adrienn


"I planned my family vacation 4 months ahead. My son was supposed to fly with me, but he got COVID-19 the last week of school, so I had him quarantine for 10 days. Because of work my husband is gonna meet us at our destination. Anyway, my kid got COVID-19 and stayed home with his dad until they left for vacation. I left on vacation on my normal leave day. Since I was supposed to have my son with me, I had an extra plane seat next to me," the post began.

The woman mentioned that she usually hates traveling because of how uncomfortable her journeys are. Which is why she was pretty excited to have that extra seat to settle in comfortably. "So once I got on the plane, I sat in the middle seat. This lady sat down next to me. Once we got in the air, I switched my seat to the window seat and put some of my stuff down on the middle seat. The lady next to me said I was not allowed to take two seats, but I told her I paid for both seats," the Reddit post continued. Then the lady asked if she could take over the middle seat as well because she was overweight and pregnant.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | George Zografidis
Representative Image Source: Pexels | George Zografidis


"I told her she could have it as long she paid me for the seat. She tried to get the flight attendant to give my seat up, but I showed her that I bought both seats. She started getting hyper with me, calling all sorta nasty names and trying to get other passengers on her side. I told her that I don't give a damn that she's pregnant and none of her aches and pains are none of my concern. After 30 min of her nonsense, she eventually gave up," the post concluded, adding that for the next 5 hours, the pregnant lady kept giving her nasty looks.

She turned to the Reddit community, asking them to share their opinion on whether she was in the wrong for not giving up her paid extra seat. After an edit to the original post, the woman revealed that she was on a 3 am flight and had tickets for both seats with her. "The ticket attendant scanned both tickets without realizing it. Also, the flight wasn't full. All rows were mostly filled with some seats unoccupied," the woman mentioned. The Reddit community jumped in to express their views on this odd situation and they had pretty diverse opinions.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Usual-Worry8412
Image Source: Reddit | u/Usual-Worry8412


u/No_Lifeguard7215 wondered, "I'm confused. You said you accidentally brought his ticket and it must've been inadvertently scanned. So you just bought a new whole set of tickets for him to fly with your husband? I've never seen a ticket checker scan two tickets for one person." u/AccioGrok quipped, "You paid for it, so it is yours. She only wanted it for free and tried to enlist the flight attendant's help to steal what was yours. If she wanted or felt that she needed another seat, she could have bought it when she bought her ticket. She did not. That is her fault, not yours." u/traciw67 added, "Good for you for staying strong. People like her who act so entitled also lie to get their way. I bet she was in perfect health and was not pregnant."

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