Having received many compliments about her beauty from men, the woman hilariously explains why she found them to be silly.
Many argue that a person's personality is more important than their external beauty. However, when someone compliments us for our looks, it surely lifts our mood. However, men are often considered not great at giving or receiving compliments. They tend to be at a loss for words and choose very peculiar ways to compliment a woman. Tallulah Rose—who goes by @tallulah.roseb on TikTok—recently highlighted this with a now-viral video. She shared exactly how she feels when men compliment her on how she looks.
Rose began her video by saying, "I actually just don't understand men and how their brains work sometimes." She then explained that she recently had a guy approach her to compliment her saying, "I just want to say that you are so elegant. You are such a natural beauty." Though this remark would be so flattering for many women, Rose revealed why she found it absurd. "I think a woman can take one look at me and be like, 'That's fake,'" she said implying that, unlike the guy's observation, her looks were anything but natural.
Rose then listed the cosmetic surgeries and treatments that she had undergone to land that "natural" look and also their expenses. "My jawline cost $10,000 okay?" she said and added that it was obvious that she also had her lips done. "My hair is $2000. My lashes are $200 every two weeks," Rose added. Parting the bangs on her forehead, Rose showed us how she could lift her eyebrows only to a certain extent because of the cosmetic procedure she had done to prevent wrinkles. "I don't understand," mentioned Rose and added, "For some reason, I always get it (compliments)."
Rose joked that even when women have so much makeup that is "enough to season a wok," men sometimes fail to recognize how fake the beauty is. "Men are just like, 'They don't make them like you these days,'" Rose said and added, "Yes, they do." She implied that the "natural beauty" that men complimented her for could be achieved through cosmetic treatments "with a needle and a scalpel." Within just three days, the video garnered over 12 million views with people cracking up at Rose's hilarious take on receiving compliments for her "natural" looks. Many women shared amusing stories of how their husbands or partners couldn't tell natural and artificial beauty apart.
"I had a male friend and when we talked about beauty he told me, 'I like natural women. Like Kim Kardashian for example.' That was NOT a joke," commented @vielleicht.schon.morgen. "One of my friend's bf (now ex) used to compare her to me. He would use me as an example of natural beauty. I sent him an invoice for all the procedures I had done in the past 6 months. Makes me sick," wrote @lucymaerob. "I’ve had men come up to me unannounced and tell me I should wear less blush. I don’t wear blush. I have rosacea. They don’t know what makeup or natural looks like," commented @vega.starr. "Men don’t like natural beauty, they like beauty that looks natural and they don’t understand," wrote @samsquatch231.
You can follow Tallulah Rose (@tallulah.roseb) on TikTok for more hilarious content.