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Satanic Temple installs occult figure in ‘nativity scene’ at Illinois Capitol; Christians are mad

Bishop Thomas Paprocki said the Satanic Temple’s displays “should have no place in this Capitol or any other place."

Satanic Temple installs occult figure in ‘nativity scene’ at Illinois Capitol; Christians are mad
Image courtesy Satanic Temple

The people visiting the Illinois state Capitol Rotunda were left surprised and shocked after seeing the satanic figure Baphomet depicted as a baby in what looked like a 'Baby in the manger' installation. Installed by the Satanic Temple, the satanic figure Baphomet has been set up to celebrate the holiday Sol Invictus, reported the State Journal-Register. The display has been slammed by Christian groups and local Christian leaders. Bishop Thomas Paprocki said the Satanic Temple’s displays “should have no place in this Capitol or any other place." Paprocki accused the Satanic Temple of mocking Christians. “Mocking the millions of Christians in the state of Illinois and billions around the world by depicting the baby Jesus this Christmas with the ‘satanic deity’ Baphomet is the very definition of evil and causing division, but that is to be expected from an organization that is in existence to troll people of faith,” said Andrew Hansen, a spokesperson for the diocese.


For starters, it is not the "definition" of evil. As the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, an anti-LGBTQ hate group was doing a mass recitation of the rosary, members of the Satanic Temple installed the satanic figure of Baphomet. A video posted on Twitter shows a Satanic temple leader calling for “equality, tolerance, compassion, empathy, critical thinking” while the others held up a sign that read: Satan has no rights. What's ironic is the Satanic Temple is actually a group that has rights under the freedom of religion in the US constitution and every move by politicians to enable and strengthen Christian groups in America will also benefit the Satanic Temple. So, under the US constitution, the Satanic Temple has the same rights as any church.


The Satanic temple stated on its website that it is a “celebration of being unconquered by superstition and consistent in the pursuit of sharing knowledge,” before adding that the tradition could be traced back to the cult of Sol in pre-Christian Rome. “This year’s tradition marks a greater urgency in the Baphomet’s message of harmony and reconciliation,”  said Erin Helian, Satanic Temple’s director of campaign operations. The Satanic Temple said it was respectful of religious displays of Christians and extended an invitation to the bishop “to hold hands with members of The Satanic Temple while we come together and stand before all of the religious displays at the rotunda,” added Helian. Hansen confirmed that Bishop Paprocki declined the invitation to "associate with evil and urges all people of true religious faith to shun the devil.” Paprocki is a known homophobe, reported God.Daily Dot. He credited Satan after the state of Illinois legalized same-sex marriage. 


Lucien Greaves, the co-founder of the Satanic Temple, urged the church to be more open and tolerant of other religions. “Our real message is to re-establish pluralism,” said Greaves. “It doesn’t mean that people with opposing viewpoints have to be in conflict.” The Satanic Temple is a non-theistic religious group that shot to fame after being profiled in the 2019 documentary 'Hail Satan?' The Satanic Temple has gained a reputation for its progressive politics and much of its work is centered around taking governments, people, and corporations to court. The satanic figure of Baphomet was designed by Albuquerque horror artist Chris P. Andres.


As we reported earlier, the group also voiced its support for abortions in the wake of the Texas anti-abortion law. “Consistent with our tenets that call for bodily autonomy and acting in accordance with best scientific evidence, The Satanic Temple, based in Salem, religiously objects to many of the restrictions that states have enacted that interfere with abortion access,” reads their website. The Satanic Temple made an argument for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights on the basis of religious grounds.

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