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Internet rallies around autistic woman for not inviting brother and his spiteful wife to her wedding

The woman decided to stand up for herself after her family disregarded her sister-in-law's crude remarks as a joke.

Internet rallies around autistic woman for not inviting brother and his spiteful wife to her wedding
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Afif Ramdhasuma, Reddit | u/airphilter

Family is a source of immense happiness but there's always a bad apple that ruins it for everyone. While some people ace the art of comebacks to such muddlers, some are too innocent to not even get back at them. A 19-year-old woman on Reddit, u/airphilter, used to be one such tolerant person towards the inconsiderate remarks of her vile sister-in-law. But when things got out of hand, she no longer took it lightly and decided to not invite her brother and sister-in-law to her wedding. Knowing what drove her to do this, the internet condemned the family's actions and showered her with support.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | James Dodson
Representative Image Source: Pexels | James Dodson

Being the only autistic person in her family, the teen mentioned that she was too excited when her brother and sister-in-law moved closer to her home but didn't expect that excitement to fade off. "It started with Lilith (sister-in-law) referring to me as 'it.' I told her she could use 'she' or 'they' for me but 'it' makes me uncomfortable and she apologized. Then she did it another time and when I corrected her she said it was 'just a joke,'" she wrote. Despite insisting that calling her 'it' wasn't funny, Lilith made another crude remark to her brother Marcus when the teen had to leave a bowling alley earlier saying "Don't feel bad. It isn't your fault it's restarted." She added: "If you don't know "restarted" is a variation of the slur r*tarded."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

"I was upset and talked to Marcus a couple of days later and he told me she was just joking. He said that he would talk to her," wrote the teen. But the offensive quips did not end there. Recently, Lilith took her malice to another level by saying obnoxious things to the teen's fiance, Shawn about choosing to marry an autistic girl. "Shawn was very upset that she had said this and so was I. I tried to talk to Marcus but he just told me that Lilith has a dark sense of humor and that she didn't mean to upset anyone," she explained. This time the teen decided to give back to Lilith by not inviting her and Marcus for her wedding. The teen's furious brother and other family members insisted that she invite them failing which the family wouldn't attend her wedding. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/Thecatisright
Image Source: Reddit | u/Thecatisright


Image Source: Reddit | u/Mundane_Bike_912
Image Source: Reddit | u/Mundane_Bike_912

As the soon-to-be-married woman worries about her family's unfair decisions, thousands of comments poured in supporting her retaliation. "Jokes that are hurtful especially after being told more than once how they make you feel are not jokes, are intentional cruelty. She is horrible. Your brother must be blind to it. NTA for not wanting her and her enabling partner, sadly, around you," commented u/Cat-all4city. "She's not 'joking' she's 'bullying' and they need to stop making excuses. Ask them what about her 'jokes' are funny. Moreover, what about you having autism is funny to warrant those 'jokes'? Do they think what she says is funny? I'm glad your fiance is on your side. Let them not come. By refusing to come, they are showing they are signing off and agreeing with her. You shouldn't have your wedding day ruined by someone who speaks so rudely of you and is permitted to by your own family," wrote u/Rose-color-socks.

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