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'Grow up’: Docs slam anti-vaxxers on Kimmel's show in hilarious PSA, ask people to get the vaccine

America has successfully vaccinated close to 50% of the adults but faces the problem of vaccine hesitancy.

'Grow up’: Docs slam anti-vaxxers on Kimmel's show in hilarious PSA, ask people to get the vaccine
Image source: YouTube screenshot/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Vaccine hesitancy among conservatives and the right-wing population in America is becoming a growing concern. The new delta variant of the coronavirus has caused a surge in new cases in America and across the world. Healthcare professionals are calling on people to get vaccinated and wear masks to limit the spread of the virus and prevent another wave. Many celebrities are doing their bit by encouraging their followers and viewers to take the vaccine. Jimmy Kimmel is one of them and he is now encouraging people to get the vaccine and got doctors and nurses across the country to feature in an episode of his talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live



America has fully vaccinated close to 50% of the American population but still has a long way to go. Kimmel lauded the vaccination rate but was disturbed when a survey pointed out that 26% of adults didn't have any plans to get the vaccine. “I get that people are skeptical of politicians or celebrities telling them what to do, but we should listen to doctors,” said Kimmel during the episode. “These are men and women who have been on the front lines of this thing, risking their lives to save ours, and they’re frustrated. Who could blame them? If we don’t get more people vaccinated, we could see new mutations of this virus and go through this all over again,” said Kimmel. “Pay attention, because this is important.”



He then asked nurses and doctors battling the virus to advise those who were refusing to get vaccinated. He then played a brief video that showed six doctors and nurses trying to tackle vaccine hesitancy in an unusual way as they called on them to listen to professional advice and not random people on social media or their friends with little experience in the medical field. They spoke about the misinformation circulating on social media. “Your friend from high school, who sells jewelry, she posted it?” a nurse asks. “You heard what on whose podcast?” a doctor said. “Is he a doctor? No? Scientist? No?” another doctor follows up. “Can he name one of the ingredients in the vaccine?” asked a critical care nurse. “And that polio shot we gave your kid, and then your kid not getting polio? Well, those two things are related,” said another doctor. “How about this? You do your job. I’ll do mine,” said a nurse. They all join in to say, “Get the vaccine. And tell your friend on Facebook to stick to jewelry.” The final title card read: “Brought to you by people who are smarter than we are.” Some people criticized the video, saying the messaging was condescending and would only further alienate those who didn't plan on getting the vaccine.



Right-wing media outlets have been flip-flopping on the efficacy of vaccines, often planting seeds of doubt in the viewers' minds. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious diseases doctor, has warned that vaccine hesitancy could lead to the creation of 'Two Americas.' "When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among undervaccinated regions, be that states, cities or counties, you're going to see these individual types of blips," said Fauci reported The Hill. "It's almost like it's going to be two Americas."


Republicans and the right-wing media have been guilty of frequently attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci. As we reported earlier, GOP Senator Rand Paul went as far as insinuating that he was responsible for the death of around 4 million people all over the world because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Fauci wasn't having it and called out the senator during a hearing on Capitol Hill earlier this month. "Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly. And I want to say that officially," said Dr. Fauci bluntly. "You are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals. I totally resent that. If anybody is lying here senator, it is you."

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