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Granny says she lost appetite after seeing gay couple, so 9-year-old girl gives perfect response

Grandmother wrote a hateful letter to an elderly couple after they featured on TV as part of Pride month coverage.

Granny says she lost appetite after seeing gay couple, so 9-year-old girl gives perfect response
Image source: Facebook/NoOutsidersEducation

An elderly gay couple was hurt when they received hatemail from a grandmother who said she was disgusted by them, but a little girl wrote them a sweet letter to let them know that they were "amazing." The incident occurred after the gay couple was featured on the local TV station’s Pride coverage. Dits Preece and his partner Allen of Alderney hail from the UK and had been featured on the ITV Channel as part of Pride Month coverage. The couple held hands and spoke to the channel about their love story and the significance of Pride month, reported LGBTQ Nation.



One grandmother who watched the video wrote them a letter telling them that she was disgusted after seeing them hold hands. She described them as a joke in the letter and went on to say she had lost her appetite. The homophobic grandma said she was watching TV with her family and their appearance had “put me and my husband and grandson off our tea.”


The letter was posted online by Preece, who described the letter as pathetic. “My grandson asked why that man had his hand around the other one,” read the letter. “A couple is a man and a woman. It always will be. You look like a joke (the 2 of you). Try being in the circus,” she added. Preece called her narrow-minded and wrote, "It’s shame they didn’t enjoy their meal, perhaps someone might know who it was, they just need to grow up. You can’t please everyone. Whoever it was, I hope you enjoy your next meal ha ha ha."

Gay couple holding rainbow flag while standing in city - stock photo/Getty Images


Many sent supportive messages to the couple, in response to the hate mail being sent to them. Among all the letters was a handwritten letter from a nine-year-old that caught their eye. “After reading your letter, I was in absolute shock!” wrote the girl, whose name was withheld. “How could someone be so rude?” asked the girl. The letter was posted to Facebook by the local organization No Outsiders. She told the elderly couple that they should “feel proud to be gay and go on television to speak about LGBTQ+,” before adding that the grandmother who was rude to them should “think about your feelings.” She also had some kind words for them. “Ignore what the negative people say about your relationship because they are wrong! They should say positive things about you two because you are amazing!” she wrote. The 9-year-old also drew a rainbow and pointed out that “a couple means two, not opposite genders.” No Outsiders pointed to the letter to remind people that it's never too young to be inclusive. "When people argue that LGBT+ inclusion is confusing for children, I would point them to letters like this written by a 9-year-old in response to an assembly about a homophobic letter. This child is not confused," they posted.

Silhouette People With Rainbow Flag - stock photo/Getty Images


Many people on Facebook also showed their support for the couple after Preece posted the grandma's letter. "How awful and this person or people, they should be ashamed of themselves. You are a lovely couple and it was lovely to see you on TV so happy together. Xx," wrote one person. Another added, "Oh my days, that is absolutely appalling, even more so as it’s been sent anonymously. You have to feel sorry for the grandchild if he is having those views drummed into him. Shocked and angry for you both. Lots of love xx." People told them to ignore the letter completely. "Oh my word, that is a disgusting letter and the fact they took time and effort to just be nasty! Dits you are a beautiful man inside and out. Thank you for sharing because all they’ve achieved is the opportunity for many, like myself, to let you know how much we care and respect you by leaving you a message," commented another person.

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