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Employee teaches his boss a lesson by sticking to what was written in his contract

The worker was ready to do all the work at the workshop despite his three colleagues leaving. However, his boss didn't value his work.

Employee teaches his boss a lesson by sticking to what was written in his contract
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay; Reddit | u/eqsoge

An employee went out of his way at his workplace to perform the job roles of others as they weren't around. However, his boss did not cooperate at work and refused to pay bills for materials he should have, asking the employee to stick only to his contract. After that, the employee did just that and gave the boss a taste of his own medicine. Reddit user u/eqsoge shared his experience with his boss on Reddit. The employee started the post by mentioning that he was working in a workshop where sheds were made for farms and businesses.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Chernonogov
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Chernonogov

He explained, "I was brought on as a general laborer whose tasks were to clean and maintain the yard and workshop, clean and spray steel, and load up the truck with any completed sheds." When he joined the company there were three other workers. One worked on making flagships for the sheds, the other ran the saws and fabricated any plates needed and the third person was a welder. The man said that slowly all the workers left after finding better-paying jobs at different companies. As he was the only person left he used to run everything himself and he had no issues in doing that.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ozgur Ozkan
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ozgur Ozkan

But things turned ugly when one day he needed welding wire for work. He relied on his boss usually to get raw materials. As his boss wasn't around he went ahead and bought the same. "But issues arose when I informed the boss that he needed to pay me for the wire but I was told that I shouldn't be doing anything that's not in my contract and I wouldn't be getting the money for the wire back as he didn't agree to pay for it," the worker wrote.

Immediately after this incident, he went back to doing the duties that were assigned to him when he joined the workshop. He shared, "After a few days of this he came into the yard screaming at me as no sheds were being manufactured and I told him that he better hire someone as I won’t be doing anything out of my job description like he stated for me to do." After two weeks, the boss hired a new employee who didn't know the work so the boss tried to tell the old employee to train him but he refused. "This went on for about 3 weeks before the company ended up going into liquidation due to the boss failing to file accounts for the past 4 years," he concluded.

Image Source: Reddit | u/nerdgirl71
Image Source: Reddit | u/nerdgirl71

People in the comments applauded the worker for his move. u/cdnposter commented, "It never ceases to amaze me how people with successful businesses seemingly destroy them by doing stupid things and not considering the natural consequences of their actions. What did the boss think was going to happen when one person was doing the work of four people? OP it sounds like you knew how to run the business better than the owner. Please tell me you bought the company and rebuilt it into a success story." u/takssista wrote, "You showed the boss you could do his job too—he was not happy." u/randomcanyon said, "Hope you took whatever welding wire that was left home. It belongs to you. Not them."

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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