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Woman shares how people are financially struggling despite working hard: 'Is the economy booming'

A woman criticizes people who make poor judgments on people struggling financially, claiming that they are not working hard enough.

Woman shares how people are financially struggling despite working hard: 'Is the economy booming'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison

It's no secret that people across the world are struggling to make ends meet with worrying levels of inflation. However, some people have arrived at this misconception that people are struggling financially because they are not working hard enough. Blaire Allison—who goes by @blaire_allison on TikTok—talked about how she interacted with a guy who told her that the economy was "booming" and that people were struggling simply because they were not putting in the work. The video is captioned, "I cannot stand when people live in denial. So I will speak up. Don't like it? Scroll on by" and has got 13.9K likes and 3604 comments on the site.

Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison
Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison

She points out in her video how people who were making significantly more money than they were previously were still struggling today. Allison questions the guy's perspective on the world. She says, "Has this guy walked through a grocery store? Has he seen the price of chips? Has he seen the price of cereal? Has he seen the price of anything?" Allison highlights how there were senior citizens who came out of retirement so they could put food on the table. She adds how people in their 30s and 40s have moved in with their parents because they can't afford the price of housing and rent.

Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison
Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison

The situation is made worse by high interest rates on loans, completely preventing people from investing in a house. But problems do not end there. People also have to account for property taxes and home insurance, which drives up the price even more. She explained, "And it's not as simple as go get a better job, go get a second job." Allison shared how she was a mother and would not be able to find the time to work a second job.

Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison
Image Source: TikTok | @blaire_allison

She already had a big two-hour commute to her full-time job. Getting a second job would mean that she never got to see her children. Even if she made this sacrifice, she would have to contend with paying for daycare, which was expensive. The woman highlights how people were very clearly struggling to make ends meet and how it was bad to "bury your head in the sand and act like nothing's going on." She concluded by asking people to refrain from praising the economy when that was just not the truth.


Image Source: TikTok | @champageangel007
Image Source: TikTok | @champageangel007
Image Source: TikTok | @atl3283
Image Source: TikTok | @atl3283

Allison substantiated her point by highlighting how households with educated people and two incomes were not bringing in enough money. "That's not a booming economy," she says. People agreed with Allison's insights and shared their struggles in the comments section. @jessaiyan shared, "My husband made over $30 an hour just a few years ago, which would’ve been considered a very livable wage. Now, not so much. We live in my mom's basement." @majormcbain said, "Our family brings in nearly $225k and we are still trying to cut stuff out to make ends meet. Got college tuition that is just frightening." @hardtruthusa commented, "Everything is costing double what it was before Biden!!!"

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