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Utility worker honored for generous act of kindness for stranger in Burger King drive-thru line

His small but thoughtful gesture made a huge difference to a stranger going through the roughest time in her life.

Utility worker honored for generous act of kindness for stranger in Burger King drive-thru line
Cover Image Source: YouTube | NBC12 Richmond

Selfless and genuinely kind gestures are rare to come by, especially from strangers. But humans like Calvin Godette restore our faith in humanity. The Chesterfield utility worker said he was on his way to Subway for lunch after his assignments for the morning. “I was going to Subway, and then God said go to Burger King,” he told NBC12. While he was waiting in the Burger King drive-thru line, he noticed a woman in the vehicle behind him and that she looked "very upset." Without hesitating, he told staff members at the drive-thru window that he would pay for the woman's meal.

Image Source: Pexels | Photo by cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by cottonbro studio

While he may have thought it would just be a small gesture that helped brighten someone's day, it was a lot more to the woman in the car. Denise Walters., who was heading to her husband's funeral, was surprised to learn that someone, a complete stranger, would do something so thoughtful. "It just touched my heart so that someone would take the time to do something like that for me," said Walters. "Some people just think, oh, it's such a small gesture. It made me feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel."

Godette didn't know that Walters was on her way to her own husband's funeral when he saw her so upset. He had died just days before and she was going through the darkest time of her life. It's just another reminder of how we don't know what people are going through and how important it is to always be kind. Walters was then determined to find Godette. “I was a woman on a mission,” Walters told the outlet. “I was going to make sure that this man was recognized.” Thanks to a phone number on his truck, she was able to track him down. “Being able to put a face with the name that I heard and get a hug from him was unbelievable,” said Walters.


The meeting between the two was a heartwarming moment for both of them. “You can’t change the world, but you can change situations,” said Godette. “A small gesture would go a long way.” Walters revealed that those few days leading up to June 1 were probably the hardest days of her life but Godetter helped lighten her burden.

“Keep living your good life, Calvin,” said Walters during the meeting. “You’re a true blessing.” She even gave Godette two Burger King gift cards to continue paying it forward, but to her surprise, Godette didn't stop there. He continued to show her the kind of person he was. Godette gave her an envelope of money so she could buy flowers for her husband’s gravesite. “It just sums up exactly how I feel like he is,” said Walters. “He just has a heart of gold.” Calvin’s good deed was recognized by the Chesterfield Board of Supervisors as well as netizens. @chi.o.3044 commented, "Little things really do go a long way." @BBBlanca13 added, "What a great story! Love seeing good people and acts of kindness in the world. We get enough bad news, nice to see positive stuff."


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