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This stay-at-home mom reveals why she does not look forward to weekends and it's resonating with many

“Let me tell you about why as a stay-at-home mom, weekends become something that I absolutely dread,” she said.

This stay-at-home mom reveals why she does not look forward to weekends and it's resonating with many
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @rachonlife

Being a mom is a full-time job. Moms with full-time jobs have to look after their kids when they get back home. For stay-at-home moms, there is no off time. They manage it to the best of their capacity. One such stay-at-home mom took to her TikTok to discuss why she dreads interference in her domain: at home. She always has more on her plate starting Friday afternoons. “Let me tell you about why as a stay-at-home mom, weekends become something that I absolutely dread,” said Rachel Gibbs, a mom of two. She also discussed how the responsibilities are divided between her and her husband. He goes to work and she manages the home and it works well for them.

Image Source: TikTok | @rachonlife
Image Source: TikTok | @rachonlife

However, as a stay-at-home mom, the weekends are not more relaxing for her, even when her loved ones make an effort to ease her life. “But imagine you wake up at work every single day. Even on your days off, you wake up at work, and then you're expected to still do your job, but you're also like surrounded by people who are like, ‘But it's your day off. Like just chill out, it's your day off,’” she said. She discussed how her husband wants her to have a day off on the weekends but he does not know how the house functions five days a week, so it's not easy to have a day off. 

Image Source: TikTok | @rachonlife
Image Source: TikTok | @rachonlife

“But then you look around and sh*t's going wrong at work, and like there's someone else there who like, doesn't work at your job, but they're like trying to help and do stuff, but they really don't know where to go,” she added. She continued that her husband is an amazing father but she knows more about their household and is the "default parent." “Being a stay-at-home mom is my job,” she said. “I am at work every single day. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep to the 3 a.m. toddler-run into the rooms, right? I am always at work.”

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A post shared by Rachel Gibbs | SAHM life | mom humor (@rachonlife)


On Sundays, she is waiting for Mondays to come back so that she can be in charge of "the ship" that her husband drives on the weekends “raking in the coals, keeping the wheels moving.” She says of her husband taking on the parenting duties, “He is paying the bills. I am driving the ship.” As they have defined responsibilities, it can be troublesome when the roles change. “Weekends for sahms do. not. exist. Who’s planning weekend activities? Who’s picking out clothes? Who’s planning for the upcoming week? WHO FEELS GUILTY ABOUT “PAWNING” THE KIDS OFF ON THE “WORKING” PARENT?” she wrote in the caption. 

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A post shared by Rachel Gibbs | SAHM life | mom humor (@rachonlife)


The video has gone viral and has garnered 700K views and 50K likes. Other moms related to Rachel's struggles and came to the post with full support. @Pepes Mom commented, "I’ve been a SAHM for almost 3 years. Weekends are SO MUCH HARDER because now there’s an extra person to feed and throw off routine." @Mona wrote, "On weekends my husband wants to stay home and I’m like LET'S GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.” @Claire shared, "I’m a working mom and it’s Saturday morning and I wish I could just sleep in and chill out but alas my 2nd job has begun." @AbzSeward expressed, "Couldn’t figure out why I dislike weekends so much, I think I expect it to be easier with husband home and then get frustrated when it's not!"

It looks like a universal stay-at-home mom problem and we are glad that Rachel shared it with the rest of us. More power to moms!

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