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This flight attendant made all his passengers laugh with his hilarious safety brief

Safety briefs aren't the most exciting part of a flight. In fact, they can be quite daunting. This flight attendant is changing the game.

This flight attendant made all his passengers laugh with his hilarious safety brief
Image Souce: Jerry Purpdrank / Facebook

Plane rides can be absolutely frightening for some travelers. The anxiety of flying can often be exacerbated by things like safety briefs. That's probably because they remind you of the possibility of experiencing a crash landing. For children, this can be especially daunting. However, one flight attendant is changing the nature of safety briefs. In a five-minute clip uploaded to Facebook by a passenger, a flight attendant is seen entertaining passengers and making them laugh by delivering a slapstick safety brief, The Daily Mail reports. If only all attendants had the same kind of humor!




In the video, the attendant delivers the safety brief with exaggerated hand gestures and even building short storylines. For instance, he struggles to fasten the seat belt and even yanks the oxygen mask down like a madman before pinging himself with the mask's elastic "by mistake". The cabin, his makeshift audience, roars with laughter. His lighthearted spirit seems to have infected all the passengers on board. After the safety brief is delivered in English, it is repeated a second time - in French. How did he captivate his audience this time around, you ask? Well, he added a little French flair to his act. Featuring a certain "je ne sais quoi," his attitude shifts to don a more uptight personality. Then, he delivers the safety brief again, building a different story for his new character. Someone give this man an Oscar!


Once he is done with his safety brief, the audience gives him a huge round of applause. Passengers tend to ignore the safety brief altogether. To receive applause for one, therefore, is a huge achievement. Of course, just like the passengers on board, Facebook users loved his act. Some shared their praise for the flight attendant in the comments section. Brandon Wayne Taylor stated, "I fly a lot and would love to have him on any [or] all of my flight. What a great way to start a flight, with some humor that I would actually pay attention to the safety brief. Awesome!" Stacey Fortier posted, "He is great and I would love to have him on the same plane. For the people complaining over his performance, either you don't fly much or you can't take the lighter notes. Life is very short and a laugh at the start of a flight is a good way to start a trip." Melanie Bornais Lacroix added, "Too funny! I'm a nervous flyer and I think this would completely ease my nerves and make me laugh."




Others even shared their own experiences with similar flight attendants. Anice Smith shared, "I love this man in his job! I flew on Southwest Airlines once and the flight attendant said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, I found a diamond ring.' Well, that got everyone quiet. [Then] she said, 'Now that I have your attention... Let's proceed with the public service announcement.' Hahaha." Andrea Maylett wrote, "Our flight attendant did this on an Easy Jet flight last year. He was hilarious and the comedy element made such a difference to some nervous flyers." It just goes to show that someone's approach to even the most boring aspects of their job can change the whole game. Kudos to this flight attendant. Hopefully, others, too, can join in on the fun and make flying a less stressful experience for everyone involved.


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