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'The Grump Who Sacked Greatland' animated video is the wake-up call America needs

It paints a dire picture of America under a "Grump" presidency.

'The Grump Who Sacked Greatland' animated video is the wake-up call America needs
Cover Image Source: YouTube/Dr. Thorpe

What if Dr. Seuss had been alive today? What would he have had to say about a controversial businessman and former television personality running for president? And how far down would this nation fall under the leadership of such a person? This is what author Dr. Thorpe tried to imagine as he penned the Dr. Seuss-style rhyme 'The Grump Who Sacked Greatland' in 2016. Intended to be a warning for his fellow Americans, Dr. Thorpe painted a dire picture of America under a "Grump" presidency through rhymes in the hope that it would encourage people to go out and vote.

Cover Image Source: Dr. Thorpe


Four years later, much of what he predicted has come to pass. In fact, in many ways, America has lived through a much more nightmarish reality than Dr. Thorpe feared. "Four years later, we went back and revisited the story, and we were shocked on just how prescient we had been," the author, who grew up Republican and doesn't use his first name in his pen name, told Upworthy. "The Affordable Care Act now hangs by a thread. Trump signed tax policies that overwhelmingly benefit the rich. He deported legions of immigrants—some farmers lost crops as a result. The administration slapped tariffs on overseas goods, calling it 'national security.'"

Image Source: Dr. Thorpe

As America once again finds itself at a crossroads that will decide its fate, Dr. Thorpe and a group of his filmmaker friends are back with an updated version of The Grump Who Sacked Greatland. The updated version is far more terrifying than the original as it comes in the form of an animated short film that accurately portrays the nightmare that was the past four years and exhibits how the Trump administration miserably failed the nation even in the face of a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of people so far.

Image Source: Dr. Thorpe

The Grump short was directed by David Shayne, a filmmaker whose recent documentary short LEWISTON premiered at the Camden International Film Festival. The story was illustrated by Aphee Messer, who is known for her numerous emoji proposal designs, and the music was composed by Adam Claussen — who is studying film music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Emmy award-winner Robin Shore created the sound design while actors Gabriel Mudd, Marshall York, and Leslie Collins voiced the characters. Journalist Jennifer 8, Lee, and Lizzie Shapiro served as the project's producers.



Dr. Thorpe describes himself with this rhyme:

I'm a doctor (a Ph.D., not an M.D.)

who grew up a Republican. As you can see,

I'm no fan of the Grump, 'cause today's G.O.P.

has lost its way, speaking historically.

I'm a veteran coder, a regular voter,

and spend my free time writing fun poetry.

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