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Teacher’s note to student's mother when he backed out of solo performance is truly wholesome

Though they totally understood the student's choice to back out, the teacher put forward their opinion in a heartening way.

Teacher’s note to student's mother when he backed out of solo performance is truly wholesome
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau, Reddit | u/icy_trees

During our childhood, parents and teachers become our pivotal support system mentoring us to prepare for life. Considering how we spend most of our time at school, teachers, at times, know us better than parents do. In fact, several famous personalities have attributed their teachers to their success. Recently, a mom, u/icy_trees, shared a heartwarming post on Reddit about how her son's music teacher reached out to her out of concern. Not only the mom but also the internet was deeply touched by the teacher's heartfelt note.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

"My son is in 5th grade and this Thursday is their concert. I thought it was so kind that his teacher reached out to me. It really warmed my heart," the mom mentioned in the caption. In the note, the teacher pointed out that the fifth-grader auditioned for a solo but for some unknown reason, he changed his mind. "I'm totally fine if he truly does not want to do it (there is another student willing and able to take his place)," the note read. The teacher could understand the student opting to withdraw, but they just wanted him to be sure.

Image Source: Reddit | u/icy_trees
Image Source: Reddit | u/icy_trees

"However, he has such a beautiful voice that I really would love for him to show it off," the teacher said. So, they wanted to seek the mom's help to try and see if the fifth-grader would give his music endeavor another chance. "Do you think he really is a, 'hard no,' or might he be able to be convinced? I just thought I'd ask your advice," the teacher added. The mom was moved that the thoughtful teacher took the time to show their concern for the student and not let his talent go wasted. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/SunshineAlways
Image Source: Reddit | u/SunshineAlways
Image Source: Reddit | u/alison_bee
Image Source: Reddit | u/alison_bee

People in the comments lauded the teacher's considerate gesture. "We need more teachers like that! Awesome email! Let us know if your son decides to do the concert!" said u/Current-Royal-3724. "That email is very sweet. However, that’s great to let your kid make his own decisions. I remember being 4 (I was opinionated from a young age I guess) and refusing to go to beach camp with my schoolmates. My parents made sure I really didn’t want to but never forced me. I feel that’s good parenting to trust your kids in their decision-making," added u/VeloSansRoues. "I wish I had a music teacher like that in high school and who knows, I might've been making music right now," remarked u/chickchickpokepoke.

A note by another teacher has also been rounds on the internet. Abby LaBolle (@absmarti) shared a picture of a letter her son Rylan got from his third-grade teacher about their ISTEP and IREAD tests. "The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you as I do, and certainly not the way your families do. The scores you will get from these tests will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything. These tests do not define you. There are many ways of being smart. You are smart! You are enough! You are the light that brightens my day and the reason I am happy to come to work each day," the teacher wrote. The letter moved Rylan to tears.

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