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Teacher asks second-graders to write what they think she'd want for the holidays and they come through

Children, when given the chance, can surprise you by showing a level of empathy that even some adults lack.

Teacher asks second-graders to write what they think she'd want for the holidays and they come through
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries

Teachers are a blessing to the world. Especially teachers who shape the minds of young children. It's the empathy, kindness and understanding that these teachers exercise and encourage amongst their students that pushes everyone to just be kinder in return. In a trending video posted on TikTok by one such teacher Kaitlyn McCarthy (@myclassroomdiaries), we see how she does a very sweet exercise in her kindergarten class, which inadvertently pushes these kids to step into someone else's shoes and practice empathy. 

Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries
Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries

McCarty is a second-grade teacher who recently held an activity in her class for her kids to participate in. The activity required all the kids to state what they thought their teacher (MaCarty) might want for Christmas. She said, "So I had my students fill out what their teacher wants for Christmas." She then went on to say that some of the items the kids assumed their teacher might be wanting and according to McCarty, they were quite spot-on.

Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries
Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries

She then went on to say what some of the kids asked for. She said that while a few of them said that she might want a Target gift card, another one said that their teacher might want about 200 pieces of construction paper. One extremely real and thoughtful kid also wrote that what their teacher wanted was to only have the best day ever! Another kid sassily wrote how the teacher might be wanting a Gucci bag and earrings solely for one reason which was that she undoubtedly deserves it. And you know what? The kid was right.

Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries
Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries

The most common thing her students believed their teacher to want or like were earrings, followed by a lot of children saying Target gift cards. There were a lot of other random gift assumptions as well, like candy for the treasure box and a pink water bottle. The most out-of-the-box gift assumption McCarthy came across was a kid who suggested that what she wanted for Christmas was a Texas Roadhouse gift card with $100 on it. All in all, the kids were very excited and happy to continue adding to this list. This story also helps us understand that kids actually do observe the adults around them and that this bunch had a lot of empathy in them to be able to guess what their teacher might be wanting.

Image Source: TikTok | @myclassroomdiaries
Image Source: TikTok | @krisscross125 

In the end, she concluded her video on a content and happy note, saying, "You know, I'd say they know me pretty well."  A few people commented on the video as well. @createwithghee said, "Love this. My class would all draw a Dalmatian as they know me." Another user, @laurencella92, told McCarty, "You deserve it all! Especially that Target gift card." @irelandtree joked, saying, "I know what you need for Christmas, you need to be verified!" All in all, this wholesome story is proof that, when given the chance, kids often come through.

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