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Senior dog comes last in dachshund race but wins the crowd: 'She deserves all the treats'

Sophie, a 14-year-old dachshund, lacked foot speed, but she more than made up for it with dogged determination, winning the hearts of the crowd at the stadium.

Senior dog comes last in dachshund race but wins the crowd: 'She deserves all the treats'
Cover Image Source: Twitter / @tinysnekcomics

Editor's note: This article was originally published on April 12, 2023. It has since been updated.

Do you like small dogs or big dogs? Droopy ears or pointy ones? Canines with fluffy fur or ones with unique spots? No matter your preference, this video of a Dachshund getting to the finish line at the April 2022 Doxie Derby will overwhelm you with cuteness.

The race is annually hosted by the University of California, Davis’ School of Veterinary Medicine, where dozens of dachshunds ("doxies") race after a simulated rabbit to prove who is the "top dog." Though this race is meant to be fun for people and pups, there was nothing frivolous about the determination of one of the race’s oldest competitors.

Sophie, a 14-year-old Dascshund, lacked foot speed, but she more than made up for it with dogged determination, winning the hearts of the crowd at the stadium. One of the attendees was Alex Cohen, a Ph.D. student and creator of Tiny Snek Comics. He said that when Sophie and her fellow competitors were introduced ahead of the race, he had doubts about her performance. But that soon changed when the adorable pup's fortitude shone through the stadium.

“To see such an old dog successfully make her way across the finish line was inspiring,” Cohen told The Dodo. “All the other doxies had finished this race, and the whole auditorium rallied for Sophie to make it. When she finally lumbered across, the crowd went wild!”


The video found its audience across many social media pages. On Twitter, it received 1500 likes, with people calling Sophie a true 'Weiner.' "Just goes to show that even the oldest among us still have a great amount of heart. Just ask my 90yo mother!" tweeted @TraceyLoyd5.

"Hey, like the classic Howlin' Wolf song says: 'I'm built for comfort, I ain't built for speed,'" added @SGuldenschuh. Sophie may not have won any medals that day, but she won the hearts of all who watched her for her perseverance and grit, and she deserves all the treats. "The true 'Weiner!' What a champion. Congratulations on sheer determination" wrote @MHale. 


Dachshunds' affable personalities and high energy let them indulge their instinctual love for any adventures and their small, portable size doesn't hurt, either! Coming from the hound group, they enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and digging. In Kansas, where the community holds an annual fund-raising event where dachshunds run, Turbo, a 19-year-old dachshund, still competes.

Though it is not a serious competition, the main goal is scoring dog treat points. Turbo can't run as he used to, so when the start cue was made, he just sat there and waited in his little cubby. While all the other pups blazed around the ground, Turbo sat in his cubby as if this had interrupted his nap. 

Image Source: TikTok / @craird79
Image Source: TikTok / @craird79



Image Source: TikTok / @craird79
Image Source: TikTok / @craird79


Image Source: TikTok / @craird79
Image Source: TikTok / @craird79

When the crowd noticed a lazy Turbo, they started cheering his name to encourage him to come out. This was a failure until one woman bent down and lured Turbo with a treat, making him slowly trout out of his shelter. The video, which received over 375K views, made everyone laugh in comments at Turbo's stubbornness. "Turbo is retired," said @rl_chavez. "Baby if yall don’t take Turbo home. That little old man wanna be at the house on the couch watching TV lol," added @socalledshana4. "Turbo is like 'I didn't get this old without being smart, I will stay in the shade,'" wrote@klackybaby. 

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