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Mama cheetah introduces friendly photographer to her adorable cubs: 'Found a babysitter'

Her calm demeanor suggested that she didn't feel threatened by the photographer, allowing him to get an up-close shot.

Mama cheetah introduces friendly photographer to her adorable cubs: 'Found a babysitter'
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/RealRock_n_Rolla

The wildlife is simply mesmerizing if you only notice. Even though they live in the wild, animals have a heart that is pure and sometimes gullible. They have much love to offer as long as they can trust you. Animals have their own love languages and it is seen in several instances all over the world. Reddit user u/RealRock_n_Rolla shared a similar instance of a cheetah's innocently beautiful encounter with a photographer. The video showed the lens of a photographer focussing on a mama cheetah in a close-up shot.

Image Source: Reddit/u/u/RealRock_n_Rolla
Image Source: Reddit | u/RealRock_n_Rolla

The cheetah seemed to be pretty comfortable and relaxed around the photographer. It was almost like the cheetah trusted the photographer with the way she was unbothered by his presence so close to her territory. Then something wonderful happened. As the photographer was focussing on the mama cheetah, she began to turn her face towards the right as if to say she was hinting at something. The photographer then shifted his camera to the right where he saw the baby cubs come out of their hiding. In the minute-long video, around 3 cubs came from their hiding and they playfully jumped over the rocks and around the place.

Image Source: Reddit/u/u/RealRock_n_Rolla
Image Source: Reddit | u/RealRock_n_Rolla

Even after the cubs came near the photographer, the mama cheetah didn’t get worried. Instead, she went and lay on the other side completely relaxed. The last few seconds of the video captured the cubs cheerfully jumping over to their mother for her to caress and play with them. The photographer was able to capture and experience the whole scenario as if the mama cheetah had known him for a long time. Animals too have tender hearts, they too look for love and bonding even in the wild. All they need is to be able to trust us and know that we humans won’t hunt or cage them.

Image Source: Reddit/u/u/RealRock_n_Rolla
Image Source: Reddit/u/RealRock_n_Rolla

Several people were in awe of the video and shared their similar experiences along with gleaming over the beauty the video held. u/Hot_Hat_1225 said, “That’s what our fox mommy did. She would squeak so loud until we opened the windows, then left her cubs with us while she went food hunting.” u/Exciting_Ardvark_45 replied, “I would be completely okay with babysitting little foxes while momma is out hunting.”u/OldDummy60 said, “I love her loud chittering! And that baby got close to the cameraman, got a little startled and let out a tiny hiss.”

Image Source: Reddit/u/kevnmartin
Image Source: Reddit/u/kevnmartin


Image Source: Reddit/u/Reaver_in_Black
Image Source: Reddit/u/Reaver_in_Black


Others had more to say about the cheetah and the cubs. u/MathierCutKov said, “The fur on the backs makes the cubs look like badgers.” u/MuffinSlow said, “What most people don't know is that grass camouflages as honey badgers.” u/Worldly_Zombie_1537 said, “I could never do this job because I would so want to cuddle the kitties. Then, I would be mauled.” u/blue-wanderer-quartz said, “What an honor to be trusted in this manner. She seems completely at ease. I'd be so amazed and I'd probably cry.” Rightly so, the entire relationship of any animal with a human is built based on trust. We must connect with them and understand them. In return, they provide us with some wholesome moments like in this video.

Image Source: Reddit/u/DizzyTigerr
Image Source: Reddit | u/DizzyTigerr



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