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Kindergarten students adorably sing 'happy birthday' in sign language for 60-year-old deaf janitor

The gesture by the little kindergarten students for their janitor is so sweet that it has lit up the internet.

Kindergarten students adorably sing 'happy birthday' in sign language for 60-year-old deaf janitor
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Photos by Hickerson Elementary

Inclusivity is something we often try to imbibe in our kids from a young age. We keep telling them to be kind, and that kindness goes a long way. But no one can guarantee how kids can behave in a particular situation. They can be adorable, as well as, reckless. In a scenario like this, when you see something beautiful, you ought to make sure everyone knows. What this group of little kindergarten students did for their 60-year-old deaf janitor is going to melt your heart.

Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary
Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary


A class of kindergarten students in Tullahoma, Tennessee learned sign language in order to be able to surprise their deaf janitor. They all sang him 'happy birthday' in sign language, and he was beyond touched! These kids belonged to Hickerson Elementary School, and they surprised their custodian/janitor, James Anthony, on October 23rd, which is his birth date.

Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary
Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary


In a conversation with Good Morning America, kindergarten teacher Allyssa Hartsfield said, "His reaction was ecstatic." Allyssa said that he cried and that the whole class, including herself, got emotional as well. Once it was all over, he told the class, "This is the best birthday present you could've give me." Further, Hartsfield also told Good Morning America that she and another kindergarten teacher, Amy Hershman, had combined classes to teach the kids how to sign "happy birthday" to celebrate Anthony.


Hickerson Elementary posted the wholesome video on their Facebook with the caption: "Our kindergarten classes learned how to sign 'happy birthday' for Mr. James' birthday today. He was so surprised!" Hickerson Elementary shared a video of the sweet performance on Facebook, where it's racked up 128,000 views. As you can see in the video, the kids are mimicking their teacher and singing 'happy birthday' to Mr. James. He looks beyond shocked. He's feeling warm and loved in a place he absolutely didn't expect to feel that way in.

He had been working for the Coffee County School for over two decades, this was the first time he was feeling so adored and grateful. "While he has been a custodian at Hickerson for about 15 years, he has been working in the school district for almost 30 years," said Amy Hershman, adding: "They really love him. The kids were super excited — they learned that song in probably five minutes." Hartsfield and Hershman told Good Morning America that they'll continue celebrating Anthony's birthday for years to come.

Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary
Image Source: Facebook/Hickerson Elementary


This incident isn't the first of its kind though. There are multiple instances of kids being kind to strangers or acquainted discriminating on the basis of gender, religion, or anything. Kids only know and understand love. This sweet gesture by the kindergarten kids of Hickerson Elementary School doesn't only speak about the kindness in the hearts of these kids, but also the teachers who encourage such good behaviors in their students. 

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