When it comes to following traffic rules, sometimes circumstances make people act in haste, as was the case for Jean Lucardi. Appearing before Judge Frank Caprio on the popular show "Caught In Providence", Lucardi faced a hefty fine for running a red light. However, the story behind his violation struck a chord with the compassionate judge.
When called to the stand, Lucardi’s case began with light-hearted banter. Caprio joked about Lucardi’s impressive beard, asking why he grew it. “Because I’m bald,” Lucardi quipped, “So, making sense with my face.” The judge even teased that perhaps the sun’s glare on his bald head caused him to miss the light. But the mood quickly shifted as Lucardi explained the real reason behind his actions.
Image Source: Judge Frank Caprio visits SiriusXM Studios on September 20, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)
Lucardi, a hardworking Lyft driver, revealed that he had run the red light after receiving a distressing call from his wife. The urgency of the situation, coupled with his responsibilities, led him to act impulsively. Hearing his story, Caprio showed empathy, acknowledging the challenges Lucardi was facing and dismissing the fine. The moment highlighted Caprio’s trademark compassion and understanding, proving why his courtroom exchanges resonate with so many viewers.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sami Aksu
Lucardi supported his family by working for Lyft. The day he unintentionally broke the traffic rules was particularly tough. His pregnant wife had called him while he was at the signal, informing him of her miscarriage. This was their fifth loss. "When she called me, she told me she was bleeding and she was pregnant at the time, and I shut down the app, and I was trying to rush to go be with her because she was by herself in the house," Lucardi explained. He thought he was skipping a yellow light but realized later it was red. Though his wife eventually recovered, they lost their baby that day.
Moved by Lucardi's story, Caprio dismissed the case. "Based on those circumstances, I think it's appropriate that I dismiss this case," Caprio stated. He then inquired about the well-being of Lucardi's family. Lucardi shared that it had been a difficult time, and he had taken steps to help his wife heal from the trauma of multiple miscarriages. "Our thoughts are with you and your family. Good luck to you. The case is dismissed," Caprio said, allowing Lucardi to leave without paying the fine. This episode, titled "The Pain of Losing a Child," captured the man's profound agony.
In another instance, Judge Caprio helped a homeless woman in desperate need. In an episode titled "Homeless and Hungry," Caprio met a homeless autistic woman whose car had been booted, with ten violations in her name. She had just secured a job and was using her car as shelter. She requested a lenient payment plan, but Caprio, ever empathetic, covered $300 of her $400 fine through the Filomena Fund and gave her a month to pay the remaining $100. Learning that she ate only one meal a day, he ensured she left the court with enough money to buy food.