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20 hysterical parenting tweets that every parent out there can relate to

Do you find yourself on the verge of tears every time you clean the house only to find it is littered all over again?

20 hysterical parenting tweets that every parent out there can relate to
Cover Image Source: Twitter / MumInBits

Parenting is a tough job, undeniably. You might find celebrities or even your friends saying how beautiful of a feeling it is to be a parent. The reality, however, is far from the truth. To be a parent takes nerves of steel. For the most part, you are either running on low sleep or surviving on that last cup of coffee. Parents don't like to admit it, but not every day is filled with familial delights. And, if someone tells you otherwise, they are lying. The everyday grinding to ensure that your child grows up to be a good human being takes a lot of effort. As mundane and dull as it sounds, you don't have to be serious all the time. Squeezing out a good laugh now and then will only be beneficial, not harmful.

Do you ever feel energetic and alive when you finally get the house all to yourselves? Do you find yourself on the verge of tears every time you clean the house only to find it is littered all over again? Do you feel like you have achieved the unachievable after you managed to put your kids to bed? If you have silently nodded a 'yes' to all the questions above, then here is a list of tweets that will act as a soothing ointment to treat your battle scars from parenting. Moreover, it will make you understand that you are only a human, just like your kids. You cannot always have control over everything and it is okay. All you need to know is that you are trying to do your best.

1. Parenting glow-up



2. Is that ketchup or is it blood?



3. 'Sorry for existing'



4. I do not deserve this, mom



5. Emotional damage



6. So worth it



7. Both?



8. Unsung heroes



9. Those are some exquisite flavors



10. How'd you like that, Karen?



11. Let me just lie dow-



12. Bigger win than the lottery



13. Drizzle some chocolate on top



14. 'It just felt like a good in my head'



15. Thank you, next



16. Don't we all?



17. What are you drinking, mom?



18. Famous last words:



19. It is always the grandparents 



20. Priorities


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