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Father takes blind son on a cross-country road trip to get an year's supply of his favorite snack

The boy's love for ketchup chips, a snack not readily available in their hometown, inspired this epic road trip.

Father takes blind son on a cross-country road trip to get an year's supply of his favorite snack
Cover Image Source: (L) Facebook | No Frills; (R) Facebook | Gertrude The Jeep

Road trips are truly the best. They are the experience of a lifetime, as there are so many things people end up doing that they would never do in their normal life. It is what happened with a father-son pair who acquired too many ketchup chips through their road trip, reports CBC. Rich Lieberman and his deaf and blind son Jacob took a trip from Virginia to Niagara Falls with only one pursuit in mind, to get as many ketchup chips as they possibly could. It happened because Jacob loved them, these chips were his favorite, but unfortunately, his town did not have enough of that snack. Lieberman, not wanting to see his son sad, devised a plan to take a road trip along with him and collect the chips from Niagara Falls, where they are famous.



Lieberman and Jacob used a vintage army jeep, Gertrude, for the trip and loved every minute of it. The road trip was an easy option, as according to Lieberman's Facebook post, the father-son duo have done it quite often. They have traveled in 50 states in a span of four years. By the time they left Niagara Falls, the duo had 40 bags of ketchup chips from No Frills. The shop had 41 bags and the pair left one.

Seeing this, the shop assistants asked them the reason and they shared about their adventure. Being touched by the story, No Frills decided to pass it on to the world. They shared the story on Facebook which quickly went viral. It led to No Frills contacting the family to give them a supply of more chips. "No Frills thought Jacob didn't get enough chips a couple of weeks ago when visiting their store in Niagara Falls. They just shipped him nine cases of various [flavors] of chips," Lieberman wrote on Facebook.


Jacob had a sampling party along with his mom. Though he liked all of them, nothing could compare to his favorite ketchup chips. Talking about Jacob's love for the chips, Lieberman shared that it happened out of the blue. He first tried it on the Trans-Canada Highway while on another trip and fell in love "at first bite." Old Dutch Foods followed and sent a shipment of snacks for Jacob. "Jacob said the chips are great and now we will be getting some of these with the other brand next summer," Lieberman wrote. Heinz also sent a delivery of delicious ketchup with bright red shirts. These shirts had the words, "Annual Lieberman Ketchup Crew Road Trip" imprinted on them. According to Lieberman, the shirts were the biggest prize, as they put a lovely smile on Jacob's face.


Both Lieberman and Jacob are overwhelmed by the love shown to them. They wanted to take the trip because they wanted to see Quebec, and then ended up coming back to Niagara Falls for the chips. Lieberman knew he could have ordered the chips online but wanted to use the opportunity as an adventure. He shared how he and his family have begun donating chips so that other families can also benefit from the kindness bestowed on them. "We have actually donated each shipment to different schools after trying the different chips," he said.


For the ketchup, Lieberman is researching soup kitchen places around him so that families in need can have easy access. As a young kid, he has faced a lot of food insecurity. It has caused him to be more motivated to help others with food. The thing that he is most appreciative of in this experience, apart from helping other families, is the confidence his son, Jacob, has garnered.


After seeing his story touch so many people, Jacob has garnered a sense of strength within himself. He is recognized in his new high school a lot, which never fails to put a smile on his face. The family has also garnered a form of celebrity status. They are recognized in a lot of places. Lieberman shared, "Recently I have been recognized as the ketchup guy. Found it funny, especially since I don't like ketchup." The Father-son duo have no plans to stop and want to take many more trips on Gertrude.


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