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Couple uses AI tools to write their wedding vows and it is perfect for them in every way

Price and Sorensen can now focus their vows on how they felt while editing them since the stress of writing was over with AI's help.

Couple uses AI tools to write their wedding vows and it is perfect for them in every way
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Abi Greer

A wedding is a ceremony where emotions run deep and love is celebrated. So, Molly Price, a 28-year-old customer-experience coordinator from Denver, and her fiancé, Erik Sorensen, wanted everything perfect before embarking on a unique journey. Their love story began six years ago at a summer camp, with Molly as the camp photographer and Erik as a counselor and tennis instructor. Price told Insider that their relationship could be described as "fun, supportive, and a little bit chaotic." She added that it embodied the essence of a vibrant and loving partnership. However, during their wedding preparations, they realized that the emotional weight of their vows was both beautiful and challenging.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Emma Bauso


That's when they sought a way to infuse their unique love story into their vows. They chose to rely on AI (artificial intelligence) to help them craft the deeply personal and emotional vows they would exchange at the altar. Price's journey into AI-assisted wedding vow creation began with the exploration of AI tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Joy's Writer's Block Assistant. Joy, a wedding platform designed to help couples create wedding websites, invitations, and registries, introduced its free content-creation tool in March, which utilizes AI technology to generate wedding-related content. The Writer's Block Assistant by Joy operates by asking users a series of structured questions about the content and tone of their vows. Users provide context and select their preferred writing style, which ranges from friendly to poetic or even sarcastic. Based on this input, the AI generates an initial draft of the vows.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hatice Baran
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hatice Baran


Price found the Writer's Block Assistant's structured approach to be a valuable starting point. After receiving the initial draft, she proceeded to refine and personalize the vows further by using ChatGPT. ChatGPT, unlike the Writer's Block Assistant, is designed to handle a wide range of queries and interactions, making it ideal for fine-tuning the emotional resonance of the vows. Price shared that she used ChatGPT to infuse humor, voice, and a sense of personality into the vows. Surprisingly, the AI allowed her to introduce a human touch to the text, ensuring that it did not sound robotic. ChatGPT also facilitated the editing process by suggesting areas to cut and highlighting sections where more detail was needed.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Caio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Caio


The use of AI tools not only helped Price and Sorensen craft emotionally resonant vows but also eased some of the wedding planning stress. Price likened the process of creating her speech to tackling a daunting research paper. With AI's assistance, she was able to structure her thoughts and transform them into a polished, heartfelt message. For someone like her who may not be as comfortable with public speaking, the AI support was invaluable. However, her experience is not unique. An online questionnaire conducted by Joy in February, surveying over 1,350 respondents, revealed that 89% found writing wedding materials to be "somewhat overwhelming." 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maria Orlova
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Maria Orlova

Price candidly admitted to Insider that without AI tools, her speech might have been reduced to a simple "Thank you, Mom and Dad." However, with AI's assistance, she will be able to convey the depth of her feelings to her fiancé on their special day. In an age where AI is increasingly being embraced in various aspects of life, including emotionally significant moments, couples like Price and Sorensen are discovering innovative ways to express their love and make their wedding day truly unique.

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