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Couple asked for sandwich to be cut in half at Starbucks but was pleasantly shocked by the result

Sometimes, all it takes to let out a laugh is a straightforward request done quirkily and this example is proof.

Couple asked for sandwich to be cut in half at Starbucks but was pleasantly shocked by the result
Representative Cover Image Source: Starbucks introduces a new line of low calorie products including vanilla latte and hot panini sandwiches in New York, Wednesday, January 13, 2010. (Photo by Ramin Talaie/Corbis via Getty Images)

Have you ever visited a restaurant and ordered something but received it in a completely different form than you had imagined? Not wrong, just completely different - and hilariously so. Something similar happened to a couple recently, when they went to Starbucks. In a post shared by the woman on Reddit under the username u/natasbby, she elaborated on her experience when she asked the barista to do a simple task. What he did do, however, left her in chuckles.

Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Dom J 

She titled the post: "Latest Starbucks Run." She had asked the barista to cut her sandwich in half since she and her husband wanted to split it. While she expected two almost similar pieces of sandwich to reach her, she received a rather oblong piece of sandwich. That's when she realized, the barista cut it vertically instead of the standard horizontal cut. This executive decision of the barista made for a funny-looking sandwich.

She further elaborated in her post, "Hubby and I wanted to split a sandwich. I asked if it was possible for them could cut it in half. The barista said 'Of course no problem!' I guess I should’ve been more specific." A lot of the users in the comment section found this to be hilarious. u/trash81_ said, "I love this because it was so much harder for them to cut it like this." And they aren't wrong. One needs to be extremely dedicated to be able to cut a sandwich like this. u/perpetualworries added to this by saying, "The knives at my old store could barely get through a bagel without tearing it to shreds, this took some dedication."

Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby
Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby

u/cailey001 had a different perspective though. They said, "They were probably being petty because we’re not supposed to cut things in half and the barista said they could do it anyways." u/cherrythot had a unique way of doing this and said, "I mean. You got half. I usually cut them diagonally." u/SpiffyMuffin_90 took a stand for the baristas and pointed out, "This can be missed on the sticker… Try not to take it personally. Baristas making food is really just an added bonus, so if they get it wrong, then maybe go to a fast food spot, or a restaurant if you have high expectations."

Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby
Image Source: Reddit | u/usmcgonzo93

Some baristas in the comment section explained themselves, stating why this could be happening. Sharing a personal incident, u/imaginarybluntallday said, "This is what I want to do when people ask for this during peak. It’s an okay request, just annoying because the gloves we have broken every time I put them on, even though they’re XL, they’re super cheap… also our knives are, at best, going to cut through a bagel, so it’s just kind of hard all around." u/Jelliots reiterated the same, slightly more aggressively, saying, "I did this to someone like a year ago when I worked at Starbucks. Cut your own sandwich."

Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby
Image Source: Reddit | u/amlei69


Representative Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/natasbby
Image Source: Reddit | u/Stressym3ssy

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