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Chef's viral method promises to cut grocery expenses without compromising on food consumption

Chef's viral hack balances the line between 'overindulgence' and 'need' by giving people a plan to stick to while grocery shopping.

Chef's viral method promises to cut grocery expenses without compromising on food consumption
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @chefwillco

Everyone is trying to "reel in" the money in this economy. People search for choices that fulfill their needs but are not heavy on their pockets. The key is in controlling the "overindulgence." Will Coleman, a chef who goes by @chefwillco on TikTok, has come up with a brilliant way people can balance the thin line between needs and indulgence when it comes to food consumption. He calls it the "6-to-1" method. In this, he makes 6 categories of foods and allows a specific number for each one of them. It ensures that people are not taking in extra food in their houses and are also in and out of the stores in no time. He has tried this method in every outlet with glowing results.

Image Source: TikTok/@chefwillco
Image Source: TikTok | @chefwillco

Coleman begins the video by introducing his viral "6-to-1 method." He said, "Grab six veggies, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one fun thing for yourself." People need these in their kitchens, as per Coleman. He believes that people tend to overspend in grocery shopping because they don't go in with a proper plan. Even if they have the list, they are not buying the various food types in the right amount. This causes them to have an excess or less of certain items in their household. "This makes your grocery shopping way cheaper, way easier and you get in and out, so you are not there all the time," Coleman added. 

Image Source: TikTok/@chefwillco
Image Source: TikTok | @chefwillco

Not only has Coleman tried it and had great results, but his friends and followers on social media have also had a pleasant experience with the method. It actually saved them money. Seeing the love, Coleman did another follow-up video in which he answered questions his followers raised. The first clarification that he gave was that the method was also meant for families. Many thought the whole thing applied only to singles or couples, but Coleman denied this assertion. He said, "You can do this for families of 4, 6, 8, it doesn't matter." The key is to stretch the items that are required in more quantity.

Image Source: TikTok/@chefwillco
Image Source: TikTok | @chefwillco

The chef asks people to use the instruction only as a foundation. For instance, if their dietary needs require more of a particular category, then they must grab that. Moreover, there is no hard and fast rule on the "type" of food people can grab. "Six vegetables, that can be frozen vegetables, that can be fresh, it can be prepared vegetables. At the grocery store, by the deli section, it doesn't matter," he explained. People can also try pre-made vegetables or salad mixes; there is no limit. For every category, he requests people to adopt variations so their diet remains wholesome. He concludes the FAQ video with a simple message, "The 6-to-1 method is just the guideline to make shopping easier, funner, quicker, cheaper. Because we're all trying to get into that bag."

Image Source: TikTok/@kdareal1
Image Source: TikTok | @kdareal1
Image Source: TikTok/@mentallypreparedp
Image Source: TikTok | @mentallypreparedp

The comments section shared how the method benefited them. @sadeqwadavis wrote about the change she experienced in her budget, "Tried it for a month now! And have literally been cooking every day. To be honest, my groceries are more expensive, but my overall food budget has decreased because I don't order food. Thank you." @stevemavcphoto suggested an addition to the method and commented, "I've tried it and I made my meal preps and froze the extras. This is a great idea method. If it works for you, if you add freezing, you save even more."

Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 1, 2024. It has since been updated.

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