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QAnon Capitol rioter Jake Angeli refuses to eat non-organic food while in custody

The QAnon supporter's mother insisted that her son needs an organic diet, and that "he gets very sick if he doesn't eat organic food."

QAnon Capitol rioter Jake Angeli refuses to eat non-organic food while in custody
Cover Image Source: A protester screams "Freedom" inside the Senate chamber after the U.S. Capitol was breached by a mob during a joint session of Congress on January 06, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The Phoenix man who took part in the storming of the U.S. Capitol building bare-chested and wearing an animal-skin hat replete with horns on January 6 has reportedly refused to eat since being taken into custody on Saturday. The infamous pro-Trumper, Jake Angeli, became one of the most notable rioters in the siege last week as he stood out in his unusual outfit and face painted red, white, and blue while wandering with others through the Capitol building. At one point, Angeli was even seen taking the dais in the U.S. Senate chamber with a six-foot spear in one hand as he flexed his other arm.


According to The Arizona Republic, Angeli faced his first federal court hearing on Monday where his public defender, Gerald Williams, told the court that the 33-year-old had not eaten since he had been taken into custody as he had a restricted diet. Williams admitted that he did not know whether it was because of religious or health reasons, and was instructed by Magistrate Judge Deborah Fine to contact the U.S. Marshal's office to resolve the issue. "Mr. Chansley needs to eat," she said using Angeli's legal name which he changed to Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley in 2005.


The QAnon supporter's mother, Martha Chansley, also spoke to reporters outside the courthouse about her son's dietary habits, insisting that he needs an organic diet. "He gets very sick if he doesn't eat organic food," she said. "He needs to eat." She further claimed that she has not communicated with her son since his arrest. "I really need to speak to my son," she said. The U.S. Marshal for Phoenix, David Gonzalez, told reporters Monday that the Marshals Service would work to accommodate Angeli's organic food request if ordered to do so by the court. "For religious or health reasons, if (inmates) need a special diet, we are required to accommodate them," he said.


Meanwhile, netizens couldn't help but point out the irony of the situation, and the privileged it reeked. "Imagine a dangerous MAGA terrorist crying to his mom to tell press that jail doesn't have his favorite organic foods. He can eat some s**t. That's pretty organic," wrote Twitter user Ricky Davila. "A prime fucking example of not only entitlement but of just how delusional these people are. Who tf thinks you get served organic food in jail? STARVE HOE," tweeted Tatianna. "This white privilege sandwich has everything: white man, his mom, demands organic food. Do we have Jacob Chansley's mugshot yet?" asked Holly Figueroa O'Reilly.








Angeli, who has reportedly described himself on Facebook as a "shamanic practitioner," is said to have turned himself in at the Phoenix FBI office on Saturday, as he was aware authorities were looking for him. He was charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry and illegally being on restricted spaces within the Capitol grounds and held over the weekend at an undisclosed location in Phoenix. Gonzalez said that Angeli would be facing charges that would keep him locked up for "years and years." The rioter appeared in court Monday by telephone from a quarantined portion of the detention facility where he was being held.


Magistrate Judge Fine ordered him held until a hearing scheduled for Friday, at which she said she would determine whether Angeli would face charges in Washington D.C. while in custody or out of custody. When asked if he could afford an attorney, Angeli told the judge that he couldn't at the moment but expected that to change. "Provided I am able to get hold of a certain friend of mine, I was told I could have a lawyer from him," he said over the telephone.


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