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Broadcaster's running commentary on his two dogs' mealtime is as funny as it's riveting

Andrew Cotter certainly made an event of his two pets having their meal and his commentary is on point, leaving many in awe!

Broadcaster's running commentary on his two dogs' mealtime is as funny as it's riveting
Cover Image Source: Twitter| @MrAndrewCotter

Having a pet dog enhances one’s lifestyle. However, having a furry duo is both hilarious and bewildering. Watching the two paw pals engage in friendly combat to earn cuddles, one hysterically annoying the other and having two adorable friends to come home to is double the joy. Broadcaster and writer Andrew Cotter, the proud owner of two labradors, Olive and Mabel, shared a post on Twitter where he provided an interesting and witty running commentary on his pets' mealtime. The twist is that Cotter elevated a very natural scenario with his commentary skills.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| SOO CHUL PARK
Representative Image Source: Pexels| SOO CHUL PARK

Cotter filmed his black labrador Olive and his white labrador Mabel, who were having their meals in their pet bowls. As the food was placed before the two labradors, Cotter decided to engage in a friendly match to see which dog would finish first. Introducing his pets he said, “Well, how fitting it is that it should come down to these two: Olive in her familiar black, five times the champion and Mabel, the rising star, winner last year.” Cotter continued his commentary and pointed out that the duo were excited and also sarcastically mentioned the “tension” between the two.

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As soon as food was put into their bowls, Olive ran towards it followed by Mabel. “And there they go, Olive first,” Cotter continued his commentary. As the two dogs—completely unbothered by their owner’s behavior—continued to munch as happily as they were for receiving food, Cotter continued his hilarious commentary. “You can see the contrast here,” he said. As Mabel happily wagged her tail, Cotter pitched in, “Mabel, heavy tail, yes, happy to be alive. Everything is amazing. Olive steady, wasting little energy, very much the old labrador style.”

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A post shared by Andrew Cotter (@mrandrewcotter)


Cotter continued commenting on the difference between the dogs’ eating habits. As the video went on, Mabel proved no match for Olive who had almost finished her meal. Cotter hilariously said, “Mabel is trying but surely a lost cause, her defense coming to an end. Olive taking everything, nothing left but the bowl to lick on.” As Olive finished her meal, Mabel continued to wag her tail in blissful joy. Cotter took this action to his advantage in his commentary, pointed to her wagging tail and said, “Mabel doesn’t seem too upset, a bit of a class act there.” In his energetic commentary, Cotter also revealed that Olive was the older pet and was 7.5 years old while Mabel was the younger one.


Mabel then looks over at Olive for a brief moment, giving Cotter the perfect chance to say, “Mabel, looking to offer congratulations again to the dog who has been her inspiration growing up.” As Cotter ended his commentary he said, “What a final we’ve had here. Great rivals but great friends.” The broadcaster signed off by saying, “Join us tomorrow for a live coverage of a snooze on the sofa, possibly.” With over 97k reshares, the video left people in awe of the interesting element Cotter added to his already adorable dogs. @roletidebmmz said, “Please do this daily. I’m now invested.” @Rickettmark said, “Absolutely work closing our business down, feeling really depressed and this made me smile.” 




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