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Insensitive boss pressures employee with stage 4 cancer to return to work and the internet is losing it

The woman had stage 4 cancer in multiple areas and if that was not bad enough, the reckless boss forced her to resume work at office.

Insensitive boss pressures employee with stage 4 cancer to return to work and the internet is losing it
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio; Reddit|u/disneydoll96

There must be a level of decorum and mutual understanding between employees and managers. However, certain organizations unfortunately overlook this requirement. u/disneydoll96 shared the painstaking reality that her mom had to tragically face at her workplace. “My mom has stage 4 cancer in 5 areas and her boss has been pressuring her to come back to work,” the post read.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ivan Samkov
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ivan Samkov

People were horrified at the boss’ inconsiderate behavior. “This email may not look like much, but every other week there’s something or the other with no support or kindness offered at all,” the post read. Stage 4 cancer is a critical time in a patient's life and the boss not only ignored that but also added to the stress of the mom with the workload. The child of the patient shared a screenshot of the email their mom received from her boss and it was evident that the boss was only concerned about getting the work done.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Thirdman
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Thirdman

“Can you please get a letter from the oncologist to state whether you are fit to come back to work?” the email read. The boss further mentioned that the oncologist needs to state what it is the mom cannot do so that they can ease the workload. “Please send your certificate dated March 20th as soon as possible. Please come in tomorrow at 2 pm to meet with ____ for a welfare meeting,” the email concluded. The toxicity of the boss was expressed in so many ways through a single email and the internet was totally losing it.

u/Haaave_A_Good_Day said, “Yes, definitely show her medical team. Her boss is legally prohibited from pressing further than what’s necessary to establish 'fitness to work.' All her doctors need to say is that she can’t return…because of cancer.”

u/TriGurl suggested, “My mom’s oncologist got medically creative when writing her letters to her company telling them to rightly f**k off. I can’t remember how they wrote it, but it was pure brilliance! The doctors worded things and said something to the effect of, ‘I’m writing clear simple words so that you can understand them because clearly you’re too stupid to understand big medical words’ or some shit like that. It was brutal to the employer and glorious to read!” u/Nevermind04 remarked, “Absolutely show this to the oncologist. They'll rip her employer in half.” 

"Every part of this email is straight up illegal in my country. The person who sent this would be fired and sued," commented u/elgianNightowl and u/mcflame13 added: "Tell the boss that your mom is taking short-term disability. And if the boss punishes her, you will find a way to either get the boss in trouble or get the place in trouble. Bosses like that need to be fired as they obviously do not give a damn about their employees."

Image Source: Reddit|u/Zestclose_Ring7303
Image Source: Reddit|u/Zestclose_Ring7303
Image Source: Reddit|u/lisavollrath
Image Source: Reddit|u/lisavollrath

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