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Bizarre events happen after homeowners find 'disturbing' object during home renovation

When the homeowners bought a 1960s home and renovated it, they found secret rooms with vintage objects and the internet was spooked.

Bizarre events happen after homeowners find 'disturbing' object during home renovation
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation

No matter how brave a person is certain situations might bring out the scaredycat in them. Things might turn out pretty spooky, especially when one tries to renovate a vintage house. Stonestack Renovations—who goes by @stonestack_renovations) on TikTok—is where a couple share updates of renovations of the 1960s house they recently bought. Earlier this year, the wife shared a video of a secret storage space she found while renovating and it sparked curiosity on the internet. In the first video, the woman found the eerie storage space behind one of the closets, leading to a tiny door.

Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation
Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation

Weirdly, the door had a curtain behind it and it amused the homeowner and many others on the internet. While looking through the storage space, she found a vintage silver-coloured suitcase at the far end. Turns out, the closets had many other doors that led to the storage space. So the woman decided to take another entry to get a hold of the silver suitcase.


Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation
Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation

The homeowner then shared a part-2 video where she entered through a second secret door inside one of the closets. It led to a cramped room which was carpeted but there was no sight of the silver suitcase. Was it an illusion? No. Turns out, there was another cardboard door in that tiny space which was expected to lead to the suitcase. Having come so far, the woman was scared to open the cardboard door. She waited for her husband, then partner, to arrive so that they could unravel the mysterious suitcase. 


Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation
Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation

The couple eventually opened up the cardboard door in the Part-3 video and the husband crawled into the dark space to retrieve the silver suitcase. The wife found that it belonged to the Rimowa brand which has now been acquired by Louis Vitton. She was pretty happy with finding a vintage case and hoped to sell it on eBay. Inside the large case was a smaller case and it amped up the mystery much more. The couple found a spooky doll dressed up in a pink knitted gown. "It's nothing from a horror movie or anything out of the ordinary, but it is a really strange doll. I think it could be a collectible," she added. Finding the doll "very disturbing," the woman added that her dog was acting weird upon seeing it.

Image Source: TikTok | @s3vn01
Image Source: TikTok | @s3vn01
Image Source: TikTok | @justanaccountonhere
Image Source: TikTok | @justanaccountonhere

The internet was quite riled about how scary this find was and the video garnered over 5 million views. "Nah, they locked it in there for a reason. We only just got into 2024 please put it back," said @thejess.jones. "There is 100% a spirit attached to that doll. Animals can tell," chimed in "Sell the house. That doll was double protected for a reason," added @_tjay21

Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation
Image Source: TikTok | @stonestack_renovation

In the final part of this mysterious series, the woman revealed that she felt "strange things" occurring in her house. "The electrics, for instance, directly underneath where the doll was found have started to flicker. Also, the thermostat has been making some questionable noises," she added. But as many users had pointed out, the doll was nothing but a toilet paper roll holder. The wife revealed the toilet paper beneath the doll and it even matched the pink bathroom in that vintage house. "We don't know if the things happening in the house were a coincidence or whether they are tied to the doll. She has found a new home for now, but we're not entirely sure what we're doing with her," the woman said in the end.

You can follow @stonestack_renovation on TikTok for more home renovation content.

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