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Award-winning reporter gives a 3-step formula to know if someone is a compulsive liar

Lying is something that can be weirdly addictive. If someone is comfortable lying sometimes, they aren't very far away from being a compulsive liar.

Award-winning reporter gives a 3-step formula to know if someone is a compulsive liar
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin

People have the potential to lie. However, there are some ways in which you can figure out how. In a video shared by Emmy-winning reporter Danielle Radin–who goes by @danielleradin on Tiktok–she talks about how the following three steps can help anyone figure out if someone is lying to them. She starts the video by saying that if someone is a narcissist or compulsive liar, they won't have a problem doing it. They won't hesitate or stammer. For them, it's as easy as grabbing lunch. 

Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin
Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin

The first step is to ask the person a question to which you know the answer. The reason for doing the same is to create a baseline for when someone is telling the truth. She used a straightforward example, "What was the first restaurant we went to on our first date?" Asking such a question is a very safe bet, as it helps you deeply understand how exactly your partner or anyone behaves when they say the truth.

Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin
Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin

The second step is to ask a question that seems alright but is actually wrong. Basically, look at what your partner or a lying person looks like when they are caught off-guard or fibbing. The question Radin used here was, "And after our first date, didn't you go to your ex's house that night?" The response to this would be a little scattered because the question was a surprise. It will help you understand how your partner responds when they are saying the truth as well as when they are caught off-guard. Since lying is not a big deal to narcissistic liars, knowing this can be very helpful.

Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin
Image Source: TikTok | @danielleradin

Finally, this is when you take the third step. It is time for you to ask the question, which you really wanted to ask all along. The way they respond will allow you to know if they are honest. If they start to manipulate or gaslight you into why you even question them, they are most definitely lying. In fact, Radin says that narcissistic liars often jump to the hypothetical and say things they would never mean. They believe this strategy is distracting enough for them to let it go. Radin adds that they will also say phrases like "never in a million years," which might distract the person asking the question and give time to the liar to avoid it.

Image Source: TikTok | @chefalex675
Image Source: TikTok | @chefalex675

In a time when people can so easily lie to each other in a relationship or otherwise, these tips can really make for a great decision for reassurance. Radin's viral video has gained 388K views and over 26K likes. People in the comment section shared their views about the same. @kucoshi said, "If they keep mentioning a specific 'value' they uphold, for example, honesty, authenticity, that's the one thing they lack. Don't get played." On that note, @california_dreamer07 said, "It's taken me a long time to figure out that when they start yelling and turn it around on me, they are absolutely always lying." @luuzzziii shared, "My ex when lying always was super calm, too calm, slowly saying words, too slowly and his face was frozen. That's how I knew."

Image Source: TikTok | @cricket_too
Image Source: TikTok | @cricket_too


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