She has a huge family and wants to stay organized for all the special occasions of the year, including Christmas.
We have just started the new year and the preparations for next Christmas feel too far into the future. However, if you have a large family Tina Quarrell and love organization, it is never too early to start Christmas shopping. Quarrel is clearly not a fan of last-minute shopping, as she posted a photo of her pre-wrapped gifts on the 'The magical holidays of Christmas' Facebook page on New Year's Eve, per Tyla. It's not only Christmas she's planning for; she's also purchased a 'couple of Easter decorations and chocolate bars.'
She said, "They are in date as it is 6/23 that’s so far. I also have a notepad with everyone’s name down what I have bought and who it is for I will continue buying throughout the year and hope to be finished by the end of November." Tina's organization appeared to impress many individuals. She has six grown children and an extra 16 grandchildren to purchase for. Tina wants to 'be organized like I used to be,' so she doesn't want 'all the Birthdays in between' to get in the way of her Christmas buy.
A person wrote, "I would love to buy early but my kids switch up their hobbies and likes so often that it's better to wait until at least next August or September. At that point I have them write a list. But great organization! Happy new year." Another added, "Just don't lose that notepad whatever u do!! Lol How very organized of you, if I had that many to buy for I would hope to be as organized as this. Well done!"
"I’m in awe of your level of organization! I aspire to this but I’m totally skint after Christmas so can’t afford to start buying things yet lol," yet another user commented. A user even had a question, "What happens if someone buys something you purchased already?" Tina replied, "I wouldn’t know until Christmas but if it is for a grandchild I usually tell my children what I have bought or they tell me what they might have got it always works out somehow. Also, I don’t buy really expensive things for grandchildren, I buy a few smaller gifts plus I give money too as the older children prefer money, but they have something to open too my grown up children again have money or vouchers and some gifts to open."
Another Facebook user shared their own Christmas shopping method, "I love shopping all year and finding special items for people. I have containers that are easily accessible so when I get home I put the item in it. In early October I go through the bins and make a list of what I have or if I need a birthday gift for that person I may look in there to see if I have something already. I don’t wrap until after Thanksgiving, a little at a time, with a glass of wine to enjoy it. To me, wrapping is part of the season." Pre-planning for Christmas seems like a great method when you have a big family to take care of and Quarrel is making the most out of it.