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25 vintage pictures of cats that prove they've always been one of nature's best creations

A Twitter page dedicated to cats has shared pictures of the felines with their owners or from different settings from the '80s or '90s.

25 vintage pictures of cats that prove they've always been one of nature's best creations
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@CatsOfYore

History always manages to surprise us by serving memories wrapped in vintage sheets. Several historical facts and memories quench our thirst for knowledge, as well as, leave us in awe. However, connecting history to pets or animals always emits a unique aura. Different periods and different behaviors of pets to glance upon are truly fascinating. Especially of cats, who are undoubtedly one of nature's best creations. 

Representative Image Source: Photo by Dids/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Dids


Cats of today are known for their traits of being elite, adorable and sometimes even angry and bossy. Were they like this years ago? We have answers or rather, evidence in the form of visuals! The Cats of Yore page on Twitter is dedicated to pictures of cats from historical periods. It has shared pictures of cats with their owners and in other different settings from the 80s, 90s etc. From a simple pose to a paw-dorable salute, these 25 vintage pictures of cats catch them in their best forms. 

1. A vintage click



2.  Communication back in 1948



3. The beauty in Paris



4.  Everyone of us on seeing a doctor



5. Chasers



6. Exceptional photography back in 1909



7.  Reach for the stars



8.  Hated physical touch 



9. Tiddles was 'Meowsome' in 1951



10. A night to remember 



11. Those sharp eyes are a killer!



12. Perhaps an aquarium visit for the little ones? 



13. Le cat - 'Mine' 



14. Emphasizing gratitude in 1950



15. Tricky snacks



16.  On top of the world



17. I've been watching you



18. Meet and greet in 1956



19.  Peek-a-boo



20. Mischief maker 



21. Don't you look at me looking at you



22. "The grocer's cat"



23. Here, kitty kitty



24. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down the cat!



25. He ain't playing




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