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25 real-life instances that made people realize they are getting older: 'I'm always tired'

Some moments in life make people realize that time is passing way too fast and things around them are rapidly changing.

25 real-life instances that made people realize they are getting older: 'I'm always tired'
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay, Reddit | u/Flux_Inverter

Growing old is a natural part of life, but we often get so caught up in life's challenges that we don't notice time flying by. As we age, our minds, bodies, and surroundings change significantly, whether we realize it or not. These changes can be both physical and mental, leading us to view life through a different lens and shift our priorities.Representative Image Source: Pexels | Juan Pablo Serrano

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Juan Pablo Serrano

Most people will gradually come to realize how their preferences have changed as they grow older. This can be a profound realization and showcases how our experiences affect us. u/HaskilBiskom wanted to know about things that would be considered "indicators" to people that they were getting old. Here are 25 of the most insightful answers that the community shared. 

1. The age of policemen 

It dawned on me when I started thinking policemen looked too young to be in charge of anything. -u/Cool-Collection-7659

2. Feeling tired 

I'm almost always tired. But not like sleepy tired and more like feeling thin tired. If that makes sense. -u/Neko-chiliocosm
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Valeria Ushakova
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Valeria Ushakova

3. Fascination with bird calls 

I have an app for identifying bird calls, I'm happy when I can hear the mocking bird that seemingly nests in my neighborhood. -u/National-Crew-327

4. Perception of the 90s

When I was a kid in 90s, the 60s were ancient history. I refuse to make the logical connection about the current state of the 90s. The 90s were just a few years ago. -u/FerricDonkey
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leeloo The First
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leeloo The First

5. From looking at photos 

Just knowing that now whenever someone takes a photo of me on their phone and then shows me the photo, I will always see a little “old lady” staring back at me.  -u/Novel-Coast-957

6. Nephew having kids 

My nephew that I used to babysit and change his diapers is turning 41 this year. His kid is turning 13. -u/Flux_Inverter
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Agung Pandit Wiguna
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Agung Pandit Wiguna

7. Sounds when getting up 

I can't stand up without making some sort of noise. It might be a groan, a creak, a pop, or a sigh. My days as a ninja are over. -u/CurlSagan

8. Going to bed early 

Realizing that I consider 9 p.m. a perfectly reasonable time to say, "Well, it's about time to hit the hay!" -u/guitarashamedj

9. Getting excited about the age-guessing game 

When people ask me how old I am, I respond with "How old do I look" and get really excited about the guessing game. -u/Cheap-Consequences

10. Back pain 

My back hurts, and that's the default state. And when I have to pee, there's no buildup. I don't have to pee, for hours, and then at some random second, I'm immediately doing the peepee dance and running to the bathroom. -u/Dysmach
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

11. Target audience for youth culture 

Started to feel old when I was no longer the target demographic for youth culture. -u/CircumFleck_Accent

12. Thinking about the electricity bill 

This morning I was scrolling through Instagram and came across some asinine post of a huge mansion with the caption, "You get paid £1m to live here with your bestie. Tag them so they can start packing". My first thought was, "Damn, the heating bill must be expensive." -u/Pope_Khajiit

13. Looking forward to the blossoming of trees 

Being more exited about the blossoming of trees and the end of winter than the next party. This actually was a topic with younger friend. -u/B0ngoZ0ngo

14. Fashion style becomes retro 

Younger coworkers call the clothes I used to wear in high-school "vintage". I graduated high-school in 2005. I once saw a Nirvana shirt I got from hot topic in 2003 at a vintage store with a $150 price tag. Seeing your styles being turned into retro trends really makes me feel like I'm 1000 years old. -u/gonzothegreatz
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Shattha Pilabut
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Shattha Pilabut

15. Coworker not recognizing pop culture references

During a conversation at work about favorite movies, I mentioned John Wayne, and one young guy said, "Who's that?" -u/bumpy-ride

16. Clothes for comfort 

I felt old when I started choosing clothing for comfort rather than style. -u/Different_Creme_944

17. Prioritizing cleaning 

I’d rather clean the house on a Saturday afternoon than go to a bar and socialize with strangers. -u/Altruistic-Diet776

18. Comparisons to other people's parents 

When you are just chatting to someone and they compare you to their mother. -u/farpleflippers
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tristan Le
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tristan Le

19. Age range 

When you’re filling out surveys and questionnaires then you realize you’re selecting the next age range. -u/likwidfuzion

20. More younger people around 

All those adults I used to see around with young kids are my peers now. Also, there are a lot less people who are way older than me now. -u/KeepGoing655

21. No idea about celebrities 

I have no idea who most of the "celebrities" mentioned on social media are. -u/spaniel_rage

22. Waking up is hard 

It takes longer to get out of the bed in the morning than it does to fall asleep. -u/Braves_Birtds1985

23. Be home at a reasonable hour 

I want to be home before the street lamps turn on. -u/Different-Pin-9234

24. Purchasing a steam mop is wonderful 

I got excited about buying a steam mop. -u/beers_n_bags

25. Appreciating silence 

I hate unnecessary noise. I really appreciate silence and calm. -u/National_Matter1001

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