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Person asks about life before smartphones and the replies were a throwback to a simpler time

Explore how life was before the days of smartphones through anecdotes shared by social media users.

Person asks about life before smartphones and the replies were a throwback to a simpler time
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@Ted04536250

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, people roamed around the world without carrying cell phones that connect us to everyone we know and all the knowledge ever existed. It's like we lived in the dark ages, and it's freaky to know that there are grown-ups out there who never knew the agony of a phone-free existence. Like all things, having these devices has its upsides and downsides. Even phone-hugging millennials can get flustered by the constant connectivity. Recently, a Zoomer u/SwigglyFingers on Reddit asked, "What was daily life like before smartphones?" Also, the user begged for some effective tips on how to put their phone down.

“I’m trying to quit using my phone, so I would appreciate some info,” they wrote. “What would you do in your free time? How has your behavior changed? etc etc.” It was a big ask, but folks on social media could not resist the urge to share their bitter-sweet memories. Going phoneless is not feasible in this day and age, but these anecdotes might make you miss what life was like, and some will remind you of what we have gained in the trade-off (like cat videos!).

We have managed to churn out a whopping 25 responses to this post, but get this- they are just like a lemon-flavored lollipop!



1. Was America Once a Cat-Free Zone?



2. The Lost Art of Doing Nothing and Loving It. How We've Become Fidgety Fools!

Image Source: Reddit/Century_Toad
Image Source: Reddit/Century_Toad


3. Neck Pains, On The Rise!



4. Time Was Always On Their Minds

Image Source: Reddit/ Warm-Background1492
Image Source: Reddit/ Warm-Background1492


5. The Ultimate Relationship We All Have...With Advertisements!

Image Source: Reddit/ famous_pet_owner
Image Source: Reddit/ famous_pet_owner


6. Adam and Eve Called, They Want Their Story Back

Image Source: Reddit/ Forever_Sorry
Image Source: Reddit/ Forever_Sorry


7. Smartphones Turned Us Into Boring Zombies

Image Source: Reddit/ tabor_theoria
Image Source: Reddit/ tabor_theoria


8. Back in the Stone Age of Technology

Image Source: Reddit/PennyDreadfulThought
Image Source: Reddit/PennyDreadfulThought



9. Finding Love the Old-Fashioned Way



10. From Gamer to Cardboard Craftsman



11. Jazz Up Your Life with a Saxophone



12. An Eclectic Wonderland



13. Throwback to the Golden Age of Cable TV



14. An Aimless Adventure Through San Francisco



15. A Tale of Yabbies, Red Frogs, and a Confused Friend

Image Source: Reddit/ Microplastics-Fan
Image Source: Reddit/ Microplastics-Fan


16. When TV was King, Books were Friends, and Getting Lost was a Real Adventure

Image Source: Reddit/idreamofdasha
Image Source: Reddit/idreamofdasha


17. A Lament for a Life Without a Phone

Image Source: Reddit/ On-The-Mountain
Image Source: Reddit/ On-The-Mountain


18. A Nostalgic Look Back at the Days of House Phones

Image Source: Reddit/LowAdministration162
Image Source: Reddit/LowAdministration162


19. The Bold Art of Showing Up Unannounced in the Age of Smartphones

Image Source: Reddit/ fiachra973
Image Source: Reddit/ fiachra973


20. Snail Mail Cinema



21. Couch Potato Chronicles!!



22. Geeky Over Cool😎🤓




23. The Struggle of Having Limited Computer Access for Your Online Rants



24. The Heavy Burden of Carrying Your First Mobile Phone!



25. Bus-Hopping Adventures



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