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Young girl who survived stroke before being born is now inspiring the world with her art

She had the odds stacked against her from birth but she proved everyone wrong by building a life for herself through her passion.

Young girl who survived stroke before being born is now inspiring the world with her art
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Good Morning America

It is not easy to pursue your dreams when the world constantly reminds you of your limitations. However, Clara Woods refuses to accept barriers bestowed on her by fate or the world and moves forward every day to achieve her dreams. No matter how silly or unfathomable, they might seem to others, she constantly works on them, as they give her happiness. She prioritizes her happiness over everybody's opinions. Woods hasn't had an easy ride in this world, by any means. Right when she was in her mother's belly she had a stroke. The doctors clearly told her parents that she would not be able to read or write, because of the physiological dysfunctions caused by the stroke.

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However, she persevered and today makes beautiful art that has captivated the world's attention, per Good Morning America. Every single day she works on her art with diligence and devotion to express her emotions to the world and fulfill her passion. In her interview with GMA, Woods is conversing in sign language while a narrator is communicating her words in a voiceover. She starts by sharing how doctors at the beginning of her life gave her a grim prognosis that she wouldn't be "able to do much by myself" due to her stroke. She proved them all wrong and with her conviction managed to understand three languages- "English, Portuguese and Italian."

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The fact that she cannot read and talk in the usual way hits her hard as they are the primary mode of communication for people. She has not allowed this loss to bring her down though, as she has managed to bring together her passion and expression in the same place. Making art is her "happy place" and the same thing allows her to express her feelings to the world. "I have something really cool, my art. It is how I show the world what I am thinking and feeling, all without saying a word," she shares.

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Woods goes on to explain her experience when she creates art from scratch. She says, "It's like my thoughts and dreams are coming alive on the canvas." The painter proudly conveys that to this date she has sold 800 of her artworks all across the world. Her heart gets elated by the knowledge that so many people want her art to hang in their homes and that they have the ability to touch so many people's lives. The reason she loves painting is because "it's when I can truly be myself, 100%." No one else is in the process with her. Through her creations, she shares "bits and pieces" of how she views the world which she cannot do by talking.

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Woods inspires people to dream big and not let others bring them down. She emphasizes the importance of hard work throughout the whole process. The artist ends the interview with a powerful message. Her message is that it is important to create a space where everyone can express themselves. If someone does not fit in the conventions decided by the social norms does not mean that their right to communicate and share views should be discarded.

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"Just because I face certain challenges, it doesn't mean I don't have dreams, feelings, or ideas like everyone else. My experiences have taught me to see the world in a different way, and I think there's value in that perspective," Woods shares. "I want people to know that inclusion means listening, understanding, and valuing everyone's contribution, including those who might communicate or express themselves differently." Woods sells her artwork through her official website and is highly active on social media advocating for inclusion. 


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