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Young girl filming little treasures she finds during her walk captures a precious moment for mom

The mom never knew that her daughter's tiny 'treasures' would include such a heartwarming gift for her.

Young girl filming little treasures she finds during her walk captures a precious moment for mom
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier

An impromptu compliment from their child can make most parents' day. Although most of these compliments are seemingly given without any rhyme or reason, they touch a person's heart. A woman's young daughter gave her the loveliest memory after asking for her cell phone to record the treasures she would find during her walk. Zoey (@zoeyexpertskier on TikTok), a partially verbal autistic 5-year-old, filmed a precious moment that would probably stay with her mom forever.

Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier
Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier

The video's text overlay reads, "Daughter asks her mom to use her cell phone for filming treasures she finds during her walk, but she ends up recording a priceless moment." As the video begins the girl points the camera at a pine cone and says, "This is a pine cone." Next up, she shows people a yellow dandelion and then another one. She also captures beautiful things like the grass, the sky and the clouds. The little girl also cutely points out her blue car and her house. But the thing that she captured next was the highlight of the video. 

Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier
Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier

"And there is my beautiful mom. She's the best mom. I love her so much and she's the best mom in the whole world," the child says, her voice overcome with emotion as she points the camera at her mom. The video ends with Zoey calling out for her mom and running towards her. The caption of the video reads, "I didn't think I'd be one of the treasures she finds on her way."

The child's mom, Delphine Expert, told Newsweek that Zoey was non-verbal till a few months ago. The girl took up violin class last September and it was then that she started saying "mom" and a few other words. She is now "able to communicate a little bit and she seems to enjoy starting talking," the mom shared. The video was reportedly filmed as the mom and daughter were waiting for a realtor to come and look at their condo.

Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier
Image Source: TikTok | @zoeyexpertskier

During that time, Zoey reportedly got bored and asked her mom if she could use her phone to film the little treasures she would find during her walk. The mom was about to delete the video before she saw the heartwarming end and decided against it. Expert shared that her daughter had seen immense improvement in all aspects of life since taking up music. The video received over three million views and more than 486k likes. People took to the comments section of the video to appreciate the cute little girl's beautiful words for her mom.

Image Source: TikTok | @asavelancekana
Image Source: TikTok | @asavelancekana
Image Source: TikTok | @hbschemes
Image Source: TikTok | @hbschemes

@quinnbowie1 wrote, "Parents of teenagers are sobbing over this. We remember when they admitted they loved us this much." @bilboshairytoes commented, "I bought my eldest a camera for her third bday (a kid one) and it was so interesting to see what she felt was interesting enough to take pics of." @sensaigreekboy remarked, "The absolute joy in her voice when she talked about her mom would have KILLED me if my kid said that." @rayofsunshine11111111 shared, "I bet this mum absolutely sobbed when she saw this. I sobbed when I asked my boy what makes him happy and he said, 'You mommy.'"


I didn't think I'd be one of the treasures she'd find on her way ❤️😍

♬ son original - Zoey ⛷️🇨🇦


You can follow Zoey (@zoeyexpertskier) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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