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Young boy has the most adorable reaction to the news of becoming a big brother: 'Cry warning'

The parents decided to reveal the news of their third child's impending arrival to their oldest child in a creative way.

Young boy has the most adorable reaction to the news of becoming a big brother: 'Cry warning'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @westilllikeeachother

Many a time when it is revealed to the firstborn that they are becoming an older sibling and that parents are welcoming a baby, they might feel possessive of their parents, but that's not always the case. Sometimes firstborns are thrilled to take on the responsibility of becoming an older sibling and welcoming another family member they love. In an instance of the latter, Stephanie Whiteman—who goes by @stephmakesitwork on TikTok— and her husband is pregnant with their third child and thought of revealing the same news to their oldest child.

His reaction was priceless. They uploaded their kid's heartwarming reactions on their channel @westilllikeeachother, which also includes candid content on the way they navigate through relationships.

 Image Source: Instagram | @westilllikeeachother
Image Source: Instagram | @westilllikeeachother


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A post shared by Stephanie Whiteman (@stephmakesitwork)


Within three days of uploading the recording of this reveal, the video clip on Instagram gained 110k views and 19.1k likes. They captioned the video, "Telling our firstborn he's getting a little sister." The couple sits their oldest son down and makes him guess what the big news is. They ask him to read his dad's t-shirt. He reads "Girl Dad" but doesn't decipher what's happening. With a confused look, he asks if his dad is turning into a girl. They then give him the second hint. They show the result of his mother's ultrasound to him. He then thinks a little and adds two to two. Suddenly, he realizes he is welcoming a baby girl as his younger sister and is shaken. He then burst into tears when his parents give him a warm hug.

 Image Source: Instagram | @westilllikeeachother
Image Source: Instagram | @westilllikeeachother

Viewers adored this priceless reaction of the boy. "My eyes, they're leaking. What's happening," commented @solanine_11. "I love the 'how are you feeling' question instead of inserting an emotion for him. Such good parenting. What a happy and sweet moment," wrote @rachel_olivia2190. "The guesses before he figured it out," joked @love_nikb. "You gotta have a cry warning on videos like these!!!" added @mackwilds.

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A post shared by We Still Like Each Other (@westilllikeeachother)


The bond between an older sibling and a younger sibling is truly special. Reddit user u/Sera0Sparrow shared a video where a young boy is seen holding his newborn sister for the first time. The video post is captioned, "His reaction when he first held his new sibling is priceless." In the video we see a young boy holding his baby sister while a soothing melody plays in the background. He has tears in his eyes as he holds her.

The little baby also makes a noise, which warms the brother's heart even more. He looks lovingly at the baby, and then we hear the mother say, "You can talk to her." We hear the father say that while she cannot speak, she can hear and understand what you are saying. "You can say anything," the mother says.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Sera0Sparrow
Image Source: Reddit | u/Sera0Sparrow

He then looks at her and smiles warmly before hugging her tightly. He appears to be in tears as he hugs his newborn sister. This video will be a treasured keepsake for this family. They may have their share of disagreements and arguments as they grow older, but that is all for the future, and they will always have this video to remind them how loved they felt next to each other.

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