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Worker quits after boss gave unfair reason to overlook their promotion: 'Bridge too far'

When a coworker who had much less experience than them was offered a promotion, the employee was upset and quit their job.

Worker quits after boss gave unfair reason to overlook their promotion: 'Bridge too far'
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau, Reddit | u/Cold_Market3393

It's a universal problem for employees around the world to be discriminated against at work on some grounds. Especially, when it comes to promotion, bosses at times fail to see the effort and rather focus on unreasonable justifications. Such bosses might meet head-on with a lawsuit for their discrimination. Recently, an employee braved an exit from their job and even felt determined to sue them for it. u/Cold_Market3393 shared on Reddit how their manager had an extremely unfair reason not to offer them a promotion. What frustrated the employee was how a less-qualified person was promoted.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

The worker began their story by saying, "I won't be returning to my job. I gave my notice at the end of the day, effective immediately. I won't communicate with my old job at all." Turns out, the employee was overlooked for promotion because of their "family status," though they had better experience than the one who was offered the promotion. They added, "Tomorrow I will make an appointment with a solicitor to see if I have a discrimination claim due to family status. I have a copy of the email my manager's manager sent me shortly after the promotion for my colleague was announced." 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Danilyuk
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Danilyuk

In the email, the manager clearly mentioned that the worker would not promoted because they were keen on becoming a mother. "She has a family to support and you do not," was the reason that their manager stated. Just because they chose not to have a child, the worker was assumed by the management to have no need for a promotion. "I had temporarily acted in the role for a year and a half and my colleague has no experience in management," they pointed out. Seeing a less-deserving worker get promoted made the employee quite disappointed and frustrated. "I'm so angry that my colleague got the promotion over me just because she's a mum and I'm not," they added. 

Looks as though the employee had faced discrimination by the management for not being a mother several times earlier. "This is not the first time I've been mistreated at my job because I choose not to have children. But this time it was a bridge too far," they mentioned. Though they were ready to take things to court by meeting a solicitor regarding this unfair workplace discrimination, they resorted to the internet to share her experience. Over 8000 upvotes came in and hundreds of users reassured that it was great that the worker had the proof of discrimination. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/kate468
Image Source: Reddit | u/kate468


Image Source: Reddit | u/freshub393
Image Source: Reddit | u/freshub393

"Thank the heavens you have actual, concrete proof and not some verbal excuse given to you. I sincerely hope you take them to the cleaners and then find a better job elsewhere!" said u/NasaWood12. "I worked at one small company where management would always ask me to work late on projects because everyone else had to pick up and take care of their kids. Same with working holidays. 'Well, you’re not married and your family is in a different state,'" chimed in u/Nuicakes. "That's outrageous, but sadly, now seems to be the norm. I had a family member in the Air Force who was going to be given a prestigious award for their work at a hospital, but they gave it to a young single mother who hadn't even done any work. I am terribly sorry, I hope you can get what you deserve out of this," added a Reddit user.

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