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Worker puts a sign at the office that enrages all fellow employees: 'Do what needs to be done'

A strange notice was put up on an office's wall by one of its workers and the rest of the employees and people on the internet are probably not happy with it.

Worker puts a sign at the office that enrages all fellow employees: 'Do what needs to be done'
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tiger Lily; Reddit | u/ramblinganarchist

Ugly situations and clashes between the bosses and the employees are unavoidable. No matter how well-paid the job is, there are always going to be instances where people will face unexpected situations that no degree has ever prepared them for. u/ramblinganarchist showed up on Reddit to share an interesting picture, which sparked a lot of debate regarding what is expected from employees at their workplaces.

Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

The controversial picture of the note told the employees never to say, "That's not my job" in any given situation. "That oozes arrogance and laziness," the sign read. "Chip in to help with what needs to be done, even if it's not your responsibility. Do what needs to be done or help someone find the solution. Period. Even when nobody's watching." The note was not provided with any more context, so people in the comment section were enraged at the audacity of an individual who thought about putting up such a note.

u/ifsometimesmaybe wrote, "If a job is worth working, it should do two things- fulfill the worker's immediate needs (fair wage and benefits) and provide experience for their next steps in life. A boss who expects you to work outside your role with no questions is trying to solve the problem without hiring extra personnel. Taking on extra is your choice if you want to push boundaries and not your employer's. If they find there's a gap that isn't fulfilled by their workforce, hire someone to fulfill that, or negotiate with existing people to fill that (make sure their wage is increased)."

Representative Image Source: Pexels |
Representative Image Source: Pexels |

u/DukeBeekeepersKid stated, "That actual requirement in the contract where I work. You had to agree to it to be hired. However, they pay me really good wages, like 50% above competitive wage for my degree. I easily clear a thousand a week after deductions. The benefits are great. Medical, Dental, on-site gym and child care. They told me I had to clean the break room because I was the closest person to it. I have no problem with cleaning the floors, or break room, or the associated bathrooms for the money they were paying me to do Engineering work. Sort of telling the mega-corporations that people are willing to work for good pay and benefits."

Image Source: Reddit | u/vddrs
Image Source: Reddit | u/vddrs
Image Source: Reddit | u/EchoBaseGrow
Image Source: Reddit | u/EchoBaseGrow

Several Reddit users guessed that the note might have been put up on the office's wall probably by the boss of the office anyway. It is not the first time a superior has been inconsiderate about their employees and their paid work obligations. u/AZNM1912 shared a story of how his part-time employer forced him to go full-time. But he put his foot down and decided to quit instead. The man starts by sharing that he had a full-time and a part-time job. He worked on a part-time job a few nights a week and a weekend day. His most recent one was at a small recycling company that involved taking apart old computers. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels |Yan Krukau

The man initially believed his boss was joking but soon found out he was serious. He asked his manager, "So, you can't find help, but you'd rather have me quit than work part-time?" Upon inquiring when he could quit, the boss suggested he could do it immediately. So, the employee did not waste time and immediately quit the job. The boss then texted him three times, but he decided not to respond or look at it. "Might as well enjoy my nights and weekends for a while. His logic just doesn't make sense to me," he concluded. 

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