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Worker hired for food service job reveals she was fired even before her training started for awful reason

The worker was told by the management that they didn’t 'want to set you up for failure' before they asked her to leave.

Worker hired for food service job reveals she was fired even before her training started for awful reason
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @rachels_riggings

While life has already become a tough race for many in this world, people with disabilities have it more difficult. Recently, one such incident happened to a food service worker who has epidermolysis bullosa, a condition that causes skin blisters. Rachel's Riggings is often known to make content that offers awareness and life hacks for those who suffer from the same disability as hers. On April 16, Rachel shared about an unpleasant experience at her new job where she was fired on the first day and the internet is not having it.

Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins
Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins

Right after she was fired from her job at the Stoney Creek Metropark Golfcourse in Michigan, Rachel made the video explaining the discriminating treatment. Initially, the young staff who interviewed her were being nice and non-judgemental. "I applied to work in the country club area with the food and beverage cart because I drive and I work with food," Rachel added. As expected, Rachel got a call that she was hired. But when she went to the place to clarify her paperwork and start her training, a bad experience was awaiting her. "The lady that was supposed to do the original interview pulled me aside to tell me that they don't think I'm going to be a good fit because I can't use my full hands and feet," Rachel said.

Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins
Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins

Apparently, since Rachel's disability demanded her to bandage her hands and legs, the staff were skeptical. They also asked if Rachel had any accommodations to support her disability to which she replied, "The only accommodation I had was that I brought my own knife set. I didn't have accommodations. I didn't need accommodations. I cook at home." But the staff made a judgment that Rachel wouldn't be able to grill hamburgers or hotdogs or cook fries. When she requested to see the area she would be working at, the staff simply cut her off saying, "Well, I don't wanna set you up for failure." When Rachel insisted that she was very capable for the job, the employee said, "Our supervisor saw you out there and he's not really comfortable and doesn't think it's going to be good."

Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins
Image source: TikTok | @rachels_riggins

Rachel was in utter disbelief that the supervisor was quick to judge her just by seeing her in the waiting area. "So you're already discriminating?" she wondered and added, "So you're going to prejudge someone right when they walk in the door? And you want your young staff to just shoot someone down when they walk in the door?" Rachel simply brushed off their discrimination saying "Your loss." This incident did not sit well with many users who insisted that Rachel file a lawsuit for the discrimination. 

Image Source: TikTok | @ayjulay
Image Source: TikTok | @ayjulay
Image Source: TikTok | @jnnaed
Image Source: TikTok | @jnnaed

"I’ve learned that when you hear someone say 'I don’t want to set you up for failure' vs 'I’m setting you up for success' just go on and walk away. They don’t have your best interest at heart!" pointed out @anna.lennox. "Absolutely not okay. I’m so sorry this happened to you. They sound awful! It’s absolutely their loss!" reassured @peachjellybeans. "I don’t know you but I know that you don’t deserve to be treated any different just because of your handicap," added

You can follow Rachels_riggings (@rachels_riggings) on TikTok for more disability awareness and life hacks content.

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