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Women share the most caring things their partners have done for them and it speaks volumes

One wants a partner who will stand for the better and worse. Women have shared how their partners have proved themselves worthy by doing the same.

Women share the most caring things their partners have done for them and it speaks volumes
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Ba Tik

Above everything else, actions and understanding define true love.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro studio

One of the major attributes many women look out for while choosing their partners is the love they can provide through their actions. Women often want to be able to pour themselves out and feel loved, appreciated, comforted and more at different stages and look for partners who are likely to be capable of doing the same. u/strangleyahuman shared a post asking women to highlight the most caring thing their partners have done for them. With over 400 comments, many females pitched in about their partners helping them, making them feel wanted and much more. Here are 10 wholesome things people have done for their partners that captured the care and love they share.

1. Embracing the vulnerability

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pavel Danilyuk

He bathed me for three weeks while I was recovering from surgery. Washed my hair and my body, helped me dry off and get dressed, brushed my hair and put lotion on for me and cuddled me in bed afterward. I'd never been so vulnerable and he embraced it without a second thought. - u/geminiauture I remember once I messed up my back pretty bad working out & my boyfriend actually washed me while we showered together. Brings a certain level of comfort, knowing he's willing to do things like that on the off chance I ever needed it. - u/queensizeme

2. Understanding without words

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Alex Green
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Alex Green

I'm ovulating this week and I'm in so much pain. He found me trying to walk up the stairs while holding on to the wall while trying to take deep breaths. He turned on the hot water in the bathtub. He helped me up the stairs and into the tub. Left and came back with my phone, tablet, water and Midol. He does this every time he sees I'm in pain. And that's every time I ovulate or start my period. I love this man. - u/noonecaresat805

3. Being there and prioritizing 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| SHVETS Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels| SHVETS Production

When my dad died, he dropped everything at work, canceled all of his meetings and came home to comfort me. I told him that wasn't necessary and I would've been fine until he got off work at his normal time, but he looked at me sternly and said, "All that stuff can wait. There is nothing more important to me than you." This is just the main thing that comes to mind, but he proves that statement daily in everything that he does, I'm incredibly lucky to have him. -u/dancingmobsters

4. Learning and helping 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anna SHVETS
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anna SHVETS

We had a very traumatic experience bringing our first baby into the world. So, much so we weren't sure if we'd ever have another, even though two was always the plan. When we did finally have a second baby, my husband insisted on taking the night shift because he didn't want me to suffer mentally, like I did the first time. I tried a few times to take over, especially once I felt physically better. But he insisted that I did enough during the day and it was something he wanted to do to make things easier for me. -u/kka430

5. Going the extra mile 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Amina Filkins
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Amina Filkins

One that springs to mind is when I was working at a school and the canteen was closed that day. I forgot to bring my lunch and there wasn't anywhere else I could go and eat in the time available for my lunch break. My SO drove my lunch out to me - 50 minutes each way. When I told him how much it meant to me, he kind of shrugged it off like "as if I'd let you go hungry, it was a no-brainer." - u/_fairywren

6. Little things 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba

We were in Walmart looking at brooms and he put one back on the shelf as he inspected a different one. However, he didn't put it securely on the shelf. It fell off the shelf and smacked me right on the head. That really hurt! He immediately grabbed me and started hugging and kissing my head and profusely apologizing over and over. Even after I assured him I was okay, he was super attentive the rest of the day and kept asking if I had a headache and bought me a Reese's because he felt bad. - u/littleghool

7. Being observant and comforting 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tima Miroschnichenko
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tima Miroschnichenko

We were moving and I had to say goodbye to a lot of special people earlier in the day, followed by a packed day of family hangouts where I was certain I did an awesome job hiding my devastation and pretending to be great. I laughed and joked and had a great time. When we got home and went to bed, he turned off the light. I waited until I thought he was asleep. He heard one tiny sniffle and said, "I know. Come here" and wrapped his arms around me while I cried on his chest. - u/DragonFlyMeToTheMoon

8. Being there for the better or the worse 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ba Tik
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ba Tik

I had a horrendously painful and massive ingrown in my upper pubic area. I always tried to keep him from looking at it, but one day, he insisted he take care of it. Got out his medical kit and gave me a pillow to scream into. Cleaned me up and covered it with a bandaid. He'd always check in to see how it was healing. I can think of nothing grosser for a partner to have to do, but he handled it like a champ! - u/oneidalee

9. Communicating and being honest

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Viktroia Slowikowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Viktroia Slowikowska

He was utterly and completely truthful with me about his deepest darkest secret and trauma. He let me in so I could stand by his side and be his ally. It was one of the most profoundly meaningful experiences of my life and we continue to fight the good fight as a team. It was a first for him. He had never told anyone. It was a first for me, I had never been trusted like that or needed so much. - u/LemmyLola

10. Being mindful and gentle 

Representative Image Source: Johnathan Borba
Representative Image Source: Johnathan Borba

This probably isn't even the most caring thing he's done for me, but it's a recent thing that was really touching. We live in a trafficy area that's hard to drive in, so I'm kind of afraid to drive here. He not only bought me a car, but he went out of his way to find the exact model that I grew up driving to make me feel as comfortable and safe as possible. - u/brunetteskeleton

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